WineXpert Water Problem Wine Expert Kit

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Senior Member
Aug 20, 2013
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May have made a major mistake. I have started a Wine Expert Cabernet Kit and I did everything right except the amount of water. When moving it into the carboy, I realized I had a major issue and continued to fill the remain space with water (about 2 gallons). While I know this is pathetic, I just need to know if the kit can be salvaged. The S.G. measured AFTER adding the extra water was 1.024, but there was not signs of bubbling immediately after adding water. I will check later on this evening. Anyone have suggestions?

So you had the correct volume (I assume 6 gallons?) for primary fermentation, but you added 2 gallons of water to your carboy when transferring?
Havlikn, Don't do anything rash at this point. Could we have some more information so we know what you have done?

1. Since you said you were moving it to a carboy, I would assume that you have gone through primary fermentation in a bucket. Is this correct?
2. What was the starting SG and the SG when you moved the wine to the carboy, i.e. before you added the water?
3. What size carboy are you using? 5, 6, or 6.5 gallon?
4. Do you really think you added 2 gallons of water? That seems like a lot and would mean when you went from primary to secondary, the carboy was only about 60-70% full. What became of the rest of the wine?That would be a lot of gross lees.
5. Which WE Series was this and how many liters of juice did the kit contain at the outset? Was there a grape pack?

Please respond and in the meantime, give the wine a good stir and keep it tightly under airlock. There are many people here who can help so keep the faith.

1. Yes in a bucket
2. I was stupid and didn't measure starting, but ending was 1.024
3. 5 Gallon
4. I would say between 1-2 gallons of water added.
5. It was a world vineyard kit with no grape pack included.

I have noticed some bubbling occurring in the stopper so I have my fingers crossed.
Just checked wine again and even more bubbling in airlock, may have dodged a bullet. was made for 5 gallon carboy. that's what I've always done and it has worked
So you only had around 3 gallons after primary fermentation?
Dear Watson, it seems like we're dealing with a wine thief!
Then I guess you're fine! How much gallons is this kit designed to make? Most make 5 or 6...

In any case, if you started with too little water, the worst thing that could have happen is the yeast dying in the high alcohol concentration. Since you're seeing signs of fermentation, everything's probably okay. In fact, since many kits are made for 6 gallons, you might still be needing to add a gallon of water...
My LHBS recommends making the WE kits at 5 gallons for flavor reasons. I am hoping with the s.g. still high it will continue to ferment.
So you racked to a 5 US gallon carboy, that's about 19 litres. I think that's a 10 litre kit. You think you were 2 gallons shy. That's about 7.5 litres. Did you add any water when you started the kit? I'm surprised that it fermented at all.

Water was added. Unfortunately I don't know how much. I know I severely screwed up but since it seems to be fermenting I am holding out hope
Havlikn, you will probably be all right on this. It seems you made the wine from the start with 1 less gallon of water than the instructions stated in an attempt at a more flavorful wine. This is a questionable practice but you may get away with it this time because you added more water back to the wine. Assuming you are correct in the amount of water that you added, you will likely end up with a thinner wine but still enjoyable. Stay with it and learn from the experience. You may even add sugar to make up for some of the ABV you will lose. If you do this, draw off a quantity of wine and dissolved the sugar in the wine before adding it back to the carboy. That said, I am not sure of your level of experience and it may be better to leave well enough alone. Good luck.
Rocky....thanks for the comment...I simply screwed up and read my fermenter wrong...maybe cause of another bottle of homemade wine:).. I am taking notes and will make note of this major screw up
My LHBS recommends making the WE kits at 5 gallons for flavor reasons. .
If you do that, Winexpert will not guarantee your results. In fact, the statement in the instructions goes like this:

NOTE: Making the kit to a full 23 litres (6 US gallons)
is crucial to the functioning of the fining agents and
stability of the finished wine. If you make it to any other
volume, it will not turn out correctly, and any problems
you may experience may not be solvable.

Hope you get lucky.
Your LHBS should not be telling you to make a 6 gallon kit in 5 gallons...Its just wrong and irresponsible of them.