Water into wine "Miracle Machine"

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IMO the better way to make dough is by feel and not by time so I can increase/reduce the flour content or the water in order to produce the dough I am looking for given the day's humidity and temperature.

Ahhh, I see. Not being a baker, I didn't understand the analogy, either. That explanation helps, thanks.
Ahhh, I see. Not being a baker, I didn't understand the analogy, either. That explanation helps, thanks.

I am not a baker, but I bake bread a couple of times a week, and bread and wine have a great deal in common. Both require time and patience but then return far, far more than they take.
I don't get it. Some of the reasons I've just started making my own wine are: enjoying the process, lowering my wine consumption cost and eliminating that "dang I should have bought an extra bottle of wine" feeling that comes after I've realized I've already drank enough to keep me out of the car to go get more.

By my estimation, to recoup the cost of the equipment, assuming a cost of $20 per bottle, you would have to make 25 bottles. At one bottle a week, thats almost 6 months to pay for the machine over bottles from the store. And that doesn't include the $10 kits to make the wine, so tack on another 3 months for that. So in 9 months I can be humming along pushing out about a bottle a week? My wife and I sometimes go through 2 bottles in a night on a weekend!
I am not a baker, but I bake bread a couple of times a week, and bread and wine have a great deal in common. Both require time and patience but then return far, far more than they take.

You can do most of what you describe with a bread machine. The bread machine is only a tool, don't confuse the tool with the end product.

I believe that it is possible, and even likely, to make mediocre bread with or without a machine. :db
Hmm... Even if it worked, in a week you could only make two bottles of wine. $499 and I would need at least two, and I would have to write my own software for the my Windows Phone.

For a grand and software time I could buy a Blichmann WineEasy 30 gallon with a Press Piston, and still leave me a hundred bucks to setup a Adruino with a PH sensor, temp sensor, and a standard hydrometer (with an led to light the inside of my wineeasy so a web cam could ready the hydrometer) all so my Windows phone could alert me when it's done...

But I still wouldn't have a pretty array of spinning lights...lol!
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The thing I find the most ridiculous is the three day claim. I guess if it is an ideal environment for the yeast it could ferment that small amount of must in three days but I still don't understand how it would taste any good. When one of you gets one and tries it out, let me know :D

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Here's my current "Miracle Machine"
I'm really considering adding some flashing lights and a smartphone app- but- nah- probably not.
Montepulciano and Amarone.
ETA of first sip- August 1.
