Waldo's Spiced Mead

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I racked the spicedmead again this morning. It is clearing nicley and should be ready for bottling before long. I do believe I am going to do me a 5 galllon batch of this.
Edited by: Waldo
No Waldo it looks that good! I like a wine with color. Just seeing the color tells me that theres a lot of money spent on honey! Nothing wrong with your table either. I was just saying that cause it is similar in color buddy.

Edited by: wade
Hey Waldo, it lools like an amazing sack mead to me. Great full honey content and higher SG. Yum!!
I tell ya what, Waldo, this looks like something I definitely have to try. It looks great! Do grocery stores carry candied ginger? I don't remember ever seeing it before.
I knew ya was just a kidding wade
Yes, I got mine at Kroger Randy
Waldo you almost made me PM ya with an "I'm sorry buddy". No wine can look bad but they can taste bad!
sally3 said:
Hey Waldo, it lools like an amazing sack mead to me. Great full honey content and higher SG. Yum!!
Thanks Sally.It is very yummy..even if it doeas look like furniture stain

Edited by: Waldo
Wade, you being a woodworker should recgnize "Honey Locust" when you see it.

Actually, I was thinking it had a wonderful deep rich color to it, very much like the honey it is made out of. I casts such a wonderful glow on the beautiful table. I would be proud to have either-or both of them Waldo.
Bottled my spiced mead last night. It was quite "yummy"

This batch is going to a good friend of mine at work.
The label is his family Coat of Arms and he requested that all I put on it was the type of mead.


Decided to go ahead and really dress them up for him so I added shrinks to the bottles.

Very nice job on the labels and your mead looks beautiful!!!!

I need to try your recipe!!
As usual that wine and labels looks great... The label reminds me of smurfe's avatar with his family's Coat of Arms... Great Idea for labels...any more members using their Coat of Arms on their labels????
Looks great waldo. How's the ginger flavor? Did it come through using the candied ginger? Did you use any clearing agents?
Thanks all

I am thinking of maybe using our family crest on maybe a Port label.

Sang the Ginger flavor ended up excellent in my opinion. It was detectable but not overwhelming.
I finally bottled my sack mead that I put together February 14,
2006. It is amazing! Everyone that has tried it wants
more. I can't wait to start another...but it takes soooo long to
be drinkable. I tried to stick as closely as possible to a 600
year old Celtic receipe. I added 2 lemon halfs and tea but that
was about it. It is a real treat!