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Senior Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Give me a hint on your best muscadine recipe. I have 60 lbs and wanting to make some of this family favorite.
First and foremost dcrnbrd is the quality of the Muscadines you are using. You want them fully ripened and preferbly a variety best suited for wine making such as the Ison. Leave the quarter sizedand larger ones for the jelly makers.Freeze them....for a minimum of two weeks to break down that cell structure and make them turn loose of that juice. I use around 6-7 lbs fruit per gallon for my wine and prefer Montacharet yeast. Add a lot of patience to that as the wine needs about 2 years of aging to reach its peak
On a slight tangent, Waldo if you were going to plant 4 muscadine vines, which would you choose? I am considering the Ison, Black Beauty, & Supreme. Should I go with one specific variety?
I would go with the Ison gaudet. They are the best for wine making and are self fertile too. If you want a mix, I would go with the Ison and Supreme.
Thats what I was leaning towards. I will be going to Mississippi this week to get some more muscadines. I got in touch with the owner of the Vineyard near Meridian yesterday. I will hope to be making a batch in the near future.
Not sure if he does. But I'll get some if I can. I do plan on a 4 vine vineyard.... Some of those muscadines are purported to yield 60-80 pounds of fruit per season.
I got all of that handled so far. I just want one of those famous recipes you have been using.
I just planted 18 of those isons last winter and pinched off all of the fruit this year to get the vines stronger. I will be ordering their balackberry canes pretty soon.
dcrnbrd said:
Give me a hint on your best muscadine recipe. I have 60 lbs and wanting to make some of this family favorite.

A 6 Gallon batch

42lbs. Muscadines
6 Campden Tablets
5 Tbsp Yeast Nutrient
3lbs Wildflower Honey
Sugar to bring SG to 1.090
1/2 Tsp Liquid Pectic EnzymeEdited by: Waldo
Wow so the honey makes that big of a difference? I cant get any wildflower honey at the moment. I will look around and see what I can find. Thanks waldo you the man
Dissolvethe honey in a pot with about 2 qts water. Let it simmer and scoop the foam off the top as it forms

Are you fermenting just the juice or are you adding water? I recently got a nice supply of carlos muscadines, and I am in the process of freezing them. I will be starting a new batch in a couple weeks and would like to discuss how you might handle this as to maximize juice extraction.
I am adding water too gaudet. It varies, depending on how much juice I extracted from the fruit

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