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Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
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I am fixing to start my second batch of Blackberry. I am using two cans of Vinters Harvest Blackberry. I am going to make a 6 gallon batch is it ok just to double everything including yeast for a three gallon batch that it lists on the directions to make a 6 gallon batch? Also, I will probably go back and make another 5 gallon batch using two cans of Vintners Harvest Blackberry to get a stronger flavor. Can someone instruct me on doing so to prevent me from messing up? Thanks, Lynn Hobbs
I have no experience with the Vintners Harvest, so I cannot help with the instructions. However, there should be no need to double the yeast. One package should handle from one to six gallons.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
5 gallons should produce a wine with more flavor and Joseph is correct. 1 packet of yeast is good for up to 6 gallons.
You said you were starting your second batch....How did the first one go? I have been considering trying the vinters blackberry myself.
One thang I found out about those purees a few years the time the sulphite has worked on it for 12 hours and then the pectic enzyme for 12 hours, you might as well go ahead and pull the pulp bag out before you pitch the yeast and let it drip out. Those berries are already mashed up to the point it don't take long to get the goody out of them. You can then adjust the volume of must and make final tweaks tothe SG, etc., and then go ahead and sprinkle that wonderful Lalvin 71B-1122 on the top.

Pulp bags.hmmmmmmmm might be something else I need to learn about. For now,I am using a pair of panty hose rinsed in my sanitizer.
Panty hose work fine. I should point out you might wanna use new ones, not used, but to each his own.
Also, the nylon paint straining bags at the hardware store work very well and are made to fit a 5 gallon bucket. They are cheap enough to throw away after one use.

Guys I have been out of the loop for a while. Between vacation and trying to catch up the farm before going back in on Friday night I have been covered up like a pile cat doo!! I apologize for not getting back sooner. The first batch was bottled yesterday for the second time. It had cleared for several days since I dumped it back in a carboy, it was looking great so I filtered and bottled. What was left in the carboy appeared to be some of the flavoring that I had added. It had the same black appearance and smell that it did in the bottle before adding to give a little extra blackberry kick. So I believe that It was where I had dumped the whole 4oz. into a 5-gallon batch that was giving it a haze and discoloration. But, its great now!! Only advice would be to use two vintners harvest for a 5-gallon batch and be easy with flavoring. You all take care!!! Thanks for your nsight hippie and waldo. I might have to steal a pair of the little ladies pantyhose to use as straining bags. hehe! take it easy!