Vernon the Wine Vine

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Yes, I am leaving him in the pot. He was in there last years, survived the Ohio (Zone 5) winter on the balcony, and was struggling at the beginning of the summer, but I think that was because of all the rain we were having.

I put extra drainage holes for him, and it seems like he's doing much better. Right now we're getting a lot of rain, but I will take some pics soon.

Vernon is right now on the north end of the house (I live in a very urban area), but get's about 5 hours of sun out on the balcony. A bit of morning sun, afternoon sun, and evening sun - broken up between 3 very large oak trees/branches. He seems to like it okay there, but I might consider moving him down to a more sunny location next year (hard to find a more sunny location with 3 huge (90+ year old) oak trees), but we will see. He seems to enjoy the spot where he's at right now. His friend, Fred Ficus, loves it there too. Thumbelina Thyme and Rosamarie Rosemary love it next to Vern too.

There's an interesting site about hydroponic viticulture, and I'm considering doing this next year.

I love the idea, but I don't know how much extra work that would be.

Yes, I got Vernon at walmart. I don't know, however, if the grapes are sold everywhere in the US at wally-world. I would probably even consider going to a ***real*** nursery or do a trade with someone on here for cuttings next year. (NW is a cutting wizzard!) 4 cuttings = 4 bottles of your excellent wine?
Sounds to me like a great trade.

You do have a beautiful balcony there. Which side of the building is it located on?

It's on the east side, gets moring and early pm sun and there is also a tree there to filter some. I get a little more sun in the pm as the season is moving closer to fall (whatever that is here
). I could probably cram one more thing on there until my epiphyllums get going. And eventually I hope to have a house!!
Here is an update of Vernon's relatives about a month after the lsat picture. I also had a bunch of Catawba grapes escape removal. By the way, that vine is a good 12-18 inches shorter than the others.



Hope Vernon has some grapes for you next year. I'm looking forward to some from mine in a couple years, but may have a few next year.
Well, here he is.

He really doesn't look that sickly in real life as he does on the picture, but he seems to have improved his looks from this spring.


And sorry about the messy balcony.