Using Copper

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Mar 13, 2013
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hello all,
I posted a thread about a wine tasting good, but having that all to recognizable rotten egg smell. I splash racked a couple times and the smell has decreased quite a bit. I bought some 3/8 copper tubing often used in refrigeration, and I'm wondering if I clean and sanitize properly if it would be useful as a sort of racking cane or tube. Would using it during racking be enough time for the copper to work it's magic? Anything else I should know if I follow this avenue?
There are people who do this as a matter of course. I know one winemaker who uses copper tubing everyplace I'd use plastic tube. You should be fine.
More importantly why does your wine have this issue. Usually from stressed yeast caused by any number of factors such as too hot a fermentation, lack of oxygen caused by fermenting in a carboy too long, lack of nutrients etc.

Figure out why this occurred to avoid the problem in the future.
I did this exact thing for my racking cane. I pinched the end and rolled it over itself a couple times to seal one end. Then drilled a hole through the copper about a half inch above the folded end. ( this is to keep the flow off of the sediment when you get to the bottom) I bent the cane on the other end and attached my hose to it. I had to use a blow dryer (heat gun) to stretch the hose over the copper tubing. It works beautifully, and I know a plumber so I didn't even pay for the copper.
I also have a copper racking cane that I have made - But I don't use it much at all.