Two of my labels

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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I have entered these in Winemaker Magazine's label contest! I used Photoshop...I love that program!

This is my label. I live on Fish Farm Road and there are stories that there used to be a fish hatchery here and another about a man named Fish who farmed here. I decided to combine the stories!

Here's the real one I sent.


This one I did for a friend in Loozianna. He started making wine because I was!


Edited by: Joan
Great Labels, Hope you do well in the contest
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Thank you all!

Funny thing...I just looked at the Pinot Grigio label and it's not the final version! I guess I'd better go find it and post the real thing! A sad thing... I only have 4 bottles left!
I'm impressed. I especially like the first one and I think it has a great chance of winning. Good luck!

You have a couple of winners there!!!! Hope you win and welcome to the forum!!

Thank you twice, Ramona!
I love your bloom! It's spectacular! I have a Lowes orchid that I somehow managed to get to rebloom. I have no idea what I'm doing with it, so it's especially gratifying! =)
Label update! I got a phone call from WineMaker Magazine letting me know my Pinot Grigio label is a winner!! Not for any of the big prizes but I won an Italian double-handled corker! =)

I said you had a couple of winners!!!!! Congratulations!!! You should be very proud. They are great labels,,,,unique!!!

Thank you, Ramona. I am very happy! What was especially nice was that the phone call came after the day from hell at work! It soooo took the edge off! =)
I had a day from hell too........but unwinding with a Gerwrutztraminer and spicy smoked sausage and pierogies.!!!!

Happy for you!!!!