Too much K-meta

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Senior Member
Nov 12, 2010
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Well, the wife has drunk all the wine so I am back to making more. My question is will too much k-meta keep your yeast from doing it's thing? I remember adding 4 camden tablets to the 4 gal of water but I think I also put some k-meta in it as well by mistake.

Leave the lid off and DO NOT add yeast for 36 hours.
If you can smell any sulfite then splash rack it a couple of times to flash off the sulfite.
Any idea how much powder you used? Id listen to Tom but also give some splash racking also just in case which means dumping this from bucket to bucket violently a few times to let some S02 escape.
way too much. whip it up and splash rack it. wait 36 hours.
Yep, way over what you are supposed to use!!!!!! Splash rack this much before adding any yeast!!!!!!!
Add 2 more gallons of juice, cant hurt and you get more wine

I was going to suggest splash racking as that aerates the wine and neutralises the sulphite but Mikes suggestion is more creative :dg

This brings up a question I have wondered about myself. I am sure it is posted on here somewhere so if y'all tell me to go fish then fish is what I'll do!
I often use tablets myself however the last time I was at the wine shop I realized that K-meta is cheaper and I buy it anyhow to sanitize with so, if I have it I might as well use it in my wine instead of tablets.
my question is just how much is to be used before pitching and how much should be used for stabilizing.