The New Me

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Senior Member
Feb 13, 2007
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Because I am Sick Of these...

Today while at the Dr's. having a little procedure done , I asked about this...

So tomorrow starts another attempt at getting that monkey off my back. When the Doc asked where I had heard of this, I told him Oh I personally know the mad scientist that invented it , and if his wines are good, his meds must be O.K. too
I got a funny look, and didn't try to explain. Others on here that are considering quiting,and you should be, Ill tell you up front this isn't cheap. My work insurance wouldn't cover it, and luckily I had recently signed up for a free Rx program called Together Rx.I had my doubts, but it knocked the price from 134.78 to 92.76. So tomorrow, starts the new me hopefully, and if my post get weirder than usual, well, try to understand.
JW... good luck, my thought will be with you. I kicked that habit about 12 years ago, and will never go back. The journey is very difficult, and to this day I find there are occasions where I think in my head "I wish I had a cig right now"..... You are one step ahead of me with this medicine. I went the ole cold turkey method.... Again, good luck...
I've seen Chantix really help the quiting process.

My wife and I were very lucky. We both smoked until 1988. At that point, my office was going smoke-free and I quit for that reason, marking about 100 efforts to quit. My wife joined me. A few days later, we learned that she was pregnant with our first child. Best. Incentive. Ever.

JWM!!!! You go!!!! We're here to support you all the way!

I practiced smoking for 20 years and quit. It was the best thing I ever did! I was fortunate in that it wasn't all that hard for me. I'd been working up to quitting and a bleeding ulcer put me in to the hospital for 5 days. It was day three when I realized I hadn't had a cigarette! I didn't miss it and figured since smoking makes ulcers worse, why not quit now? I don't recommend going the route I did however.

I'm so glad I don't smoke. Everything smells better! The really big factor is the cost. I'm waaay to cheap to smoke now! I figure smoking's like rolling up dollar bills and lighting them up!
BrianD said:
I've seen Chantix really help the quiting process.

My wife and I were very lucky. We both smoked until 1988. At that point, my office was going smoke-free and I quit for that reason, marking about 100 efforts to quit. My wife joined me. A few days later, we learned that she was pregnant with our first child. Best. Incentive. Ever.


There you go JW. To help quit besides the medecine - get pregnant!

Seriously, good luck to you and everyone else who decides to quit smoking! I have never smoked and being around smokers gives me breathing problems. You never know how bad it affects people around you until you have quit for a while and see the difference yourself in how things smell and taste.
JW: My wife and I quit smoking using Chantix about 10 months ago. Ours cost $96 per prescription, my wife used it for 1 month and I used it for 3 months. You can use it for up to 6 months, but we figured it was a helping hand to quit smoking, and should become a crutch to start back up with.

I was an avid smoker. People even told me (many people) if I ever quit, they can quit. My Doctor told me to start the pill, and I can smoke for up to 8 days while on the pill. After 4 days, I would lite up a smoke and immediately get jittery and think about all the more important things I had to do rather than stand there and smoke, so I would take 3 or 4 puffs off a cigarette and put it out.

Chantix is the most awesome tool to quit smoking that I had ever seen. It not only cuts off the sensory to the brain that wants nicotine, it cuts off the whole idea of smoking, like those "habit times", after dinner, while driving etc....., I didn't even think about those times.

However be forwarned, the urge to have a puff never leaves, but when I get the urge now, it last for about 3 seconds and it's gone. You have to tell yourself when you want a cigarette "TUFF!!! I QUIT!!!

Also be forwarned, Of the 15 or so people that I know was taking Chantix Including my wife and I, we have all gained some serious weight! Not the usual 3-5 pounds from snaking, 30 - 40 pounds (each one of us). None of us was expecting this so we wern't watching our diet but apparently Chantix somehow makes you gain a couple of extra pounds, perhaps Masta could comment on that when her returns from Va., next week.

Good luck, and we are here for you.......... just scream for help if you need it.


Edited by: jobe05
I just tried it and it didnt help me but I know a lot of people it did help. Im gonna start back on the Nicotrol inhaler Monday and I just started the Welbutrin Last night. This combo worked for me last time before my father-in law died and things got really stressful because he had no insurance and was the bread winner of her household. My wife and I payed for the burial and moved out of our house and put it up for sale and moved in with her mother to help with the bills and thats when everything went to #$^%&amp;!!!!!!!!! Luckily our house didnt sell as we moved back into our house in 3 weeks and we havent spoken to her since and that was about 2 1/2 years ago.
JW..I've always heard that great minds think alike..............

AND Jobe!!!!

Go Ahead

Scroll On Down

Edited by: Waldo
Waldo great for you! Does this mean I am going to develop an Ark accent and start playing the flute?
I've been thinking about this, too. The first person I know who tried it got nose bleeds when he ramped up to full dose, and stopped. Two others since are doing well.

I quit once with a company sponsored 10 week program in the 90's. There were a bunch of us who quit. I lasted 4 years before starting to smoke overseas (egged on by my Latin America associates while consuming adult beverages). I lasted another 2 years before I went back to regular smoking.

I think I started back in the US because I really didn't like my job, and was very unhappy. Now might be the perfect time to try again, as I love my current job and am very happy.

Edited by: PeterZ
I applaud all three of you.

Quiting is a very hard thing to do, but I suspect with the help and support of your friends and the love and devotion that you all have from family, your all on the right road to quiting for good.

Pete, you should join these three, don't go it alone if you don't have to.
Waldo said:
ROFLMAO.....Absolutely buddy !!!!

Waldo great for you! Does this mean I am going to develop an Ark accent and start playing the flute?

Good luch toALL you fine folks.

Y'alll or whatever is apropriate
Edited by: scotty
PeterZ said:
I think I started back in the US because I really didn't like my job, and was very unhappy. Now might be the perfect time to try again, as I love my current job and am very happy.

As a smoker I cant help but relate to the excuses, Ive used them all to justify the addiction, fact is there will always be a million reasons to keep smoking, but only one good one to quit Peter, and that is for yourself. Hope all those that are trying make it, its the best thing we can do for ourselves.
hi all

when I quit over 15 years ago the one thing i did NOT say was
"i'll never have another cigarette - i'm done". I've seen too
many people say that and then there mind kicks in and says "wanna
bet". Just take it one day at a time and you will be fine.
I sure wish you the best of luck and believe me food and WINE taste
much better without competing with nicotine. we are all here for
you - if you need some support PM me and if you need yelled at PM me
and if you just need to get some stuff off your chest PM me. Good

There are a couple of more pretty good reasons to quitesmoke JW, kids and grand kids. It's good for them to have a place to live and visit that the air is not full of smoke. My D-I-L is real particular about that. The grand kids probably wouldn't come here to see usif we smoked.

Here are my two reasons for not smoking.


Oh yeah, I quite in 1974. Good luck!I'm pulling for ya.Edited by: swillologist long did you take the Chantex?

Swill..Awesome looking grandkids there podner