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Well, I won't lie to ya. Due to the fact that the 2017 Long Shadows Pedestal merlot was so good that I had to consume it all instead of a modest 2 glasses a day, plus some other weekend tippling involving Jacob's Creek Double Barrel Cabernet, I actually gained 2 pounds. šŸ˜‚ But that will be erased this week, and hopefully more.
Broke through my little pause and am now down 24 pounds. How's your diet going?
Congratulations. Iā€™m losing a pound or two a week. Lots of carbs tonight so probably not this week.

Congrats on your weight loss! I'm convinced that's the best way to do it, and I'm on the slow path, too.
When you're coworker brings you HOMEMADE chocolates first thing in the morning for Valentine's Day...


...and there they still sit on the desk...


...thats dedication! šŸ˜„
Thought this was an odd subject for a wine forum, but now I read it with interest. It seems to reveal something about one's personality. OK, so I'll throw myself under that bus.

I guess I'm a bit of an extremist, not all that keen on moderation. I have experimented with various forms of fasting over the years. I once went 55 days on clear vegetable broth, looked like Ghandi. Benefits were short lived and obviously not sustainable.

I have come up with my own version of intermittent fasting. I juice 3 days a week, liquids only. Then I eat what I want the other 4. I eat pretty healthy anyway, mostly avoid processed foods. But if I want pizza and nachos on the weekend I can do it guilt free. I fell off the wagon during Covid, back on now. I only have about 15-20 to lose. I find this method totally sustainable, physically and mentally. I fluctuate by about 5 lbs through the week but steadily decrease until I hit an ideal weight. Works for me.
I have a friend who has been intermittent fasting for at least five years. No eating for 24 hours on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday from dinner the night before to dinner that night. He lost 40 lbs and kept it off. Iā€™m a born grazer so I donā€™t know if I could do it but even short intermittent fasting with general healthy eating works because people tend not to eat extra on the other days.
I have a friend who has been intermittent fasting for at least five years. No eating for 24 hours on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday from dinner the night before to dinner that night. He lost 40 lbs and kept it off. Iā€™m a born grazer so I donā€™t know if I could do it but even short intermittent fasting with general healthy eating works because people tend not to eat extra on the other days.
I had to fast for one day for a medical procedure, I almost went crazy. My hats off to those who can.
@jswordy, @cmason1957, @ChuckD, @hounddawg. Just a question for the heck of it. How many of you were raised with "the poor people in Europe (or wherever) are starving" guilt trip so that you had to finish everything on your plate? To this day, as I approach 80 years of age, I cannot leave anything on my plate, even if I hate it!
dad was born in a barn with snow on the floor , at age 10,,, he picked fruit in WI,, they were 11 kids, the boys traveled the USA making money to bring home to feed the family, i was told ever meal to give thanks to God and clean my plate , because others were not as fortunate as I was,, i was taught to say yes ma'am, no ma'am,, yes sir,, no sir... i was raised to hold the doors for others, when i did remodel work, i had a set rate, unless I could see they were way short on funds, I've done many a job where i paid for 80% of material, and paid my men out of my pockets ,I could care less what people think of me, all i care about is my name to be in the LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE,, i am fine whith what others think, good said to worry about my soul,, because HE ALONE WILL DO THE JUDGEING,,, I WILL SAY THIS I HAVE NEVER BEEN STIFFED BY THE POOR, I CANT SAY THAT ABOUT 2/3rd's OF THE WELL OFF,,,

and as for Europe, try the deep south back then,
Not so much. Although we were encouraged to clear our plates. In actuality I have lost 40 lbs in the last year the old fashioned way a pound or so every week. Have about another 40 or so to go. Now if I could just figure out how to increase my exercise time that would be much faster, but sedentary are me. New knees, can't run, can't exercise much.
so did you offend Mrs. @cmason1957 .. just checking that you can still run and clear a 4 hoot fence,,, lol
so did you offend Mrs. @cmason1957 .. just checking that you can still run and clear a 4 hoot fence,,, lol

No clearing fences for me. I gotta stop and crawl over them or go find a gate. The Mrs. Is really hard to offend, she grew up with six brothers and her. She can certainly hold her own.
No clearing fences for me. I gotta stop and crawl over them or go find a gate. The Mrs. Is really hard to offend, she grew up with six brothers and her. She can certainly hold her own.
you are a very blessed man, now i wonder what she did to end up with the short end of the stick,, lol
I have a friend who has been intermittent fasting for at least five years. No eating for 24 hours on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday from dinner the night before to dinner that night. He lost 40 lbs and kept it off. Iā€™m a born grazer so I donā€™t know if I could do it but even short intermittent fasting with general healthy eating works because people tend not to eat extra on the other days.

Yep, my wife does that too. Long timer. I like to be full while I diet, which is why ketogenic has worked so well for me. It allows 2 glasses of dry wine per day, too. I gained back only when I had that 98-point Pedestal and just HAD to drink it all. :D Boy, that stuff was good. Got one more in the cellar.
Thought this was an odd subject for a wine forum, but now I read it with interest. It seems to reveal something about one's personality. OK, so I'll throw myself under that bus.

I guess I'm a bit of an extremist, not all that keen on moderation. I have experimented with various forms of fasting over the years. I once went 55 days on clear vegetable broth, looked like Ghandi. Benefits were short lived and obviously not sustainable.

I have come up with my own version of intermittent fasting. I juice 3 days a week, liquids only. Then I eat what I want the other 4. I eat pretty healthy anyway, mostly avoid processed foods. But if I want pizza and nachos on the weekend I can do it guilt free. I fell off the wagon during Covid, back on now. I only have about 15-20 to lose. I find this method totally sustainable, physically and mentally. I fluctuate by about 5 lbs through the week but steadily decrease until I hit an ideal weight. Works for me.

Dunno what it reveals about the personality, I just know when I keep my total sugar consumption to 25 grams per day or less, I feel so completely better. The losing weight part is not my goal, it's continuing to feel this good that is. It takes at least 12 months for the body to begin to unwind the insulin resistance cycle, so I don't have a target weight or a goal. My only concerns are limiting carbohydrates in my diet and feeling good while being full/not starving. There are tons of diets out there, and most of them work for people who like them. The important phase is staying at the lower weight range after all the Facebook bragging about how much was lost is over. ;) I have lost 30 and 35 pounds several times in my life by goal dieting, being a former bodybuilding enthusiast, but gained it all back. So I'm trying no goals except 25 grams of carbs a day.
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Dunno what it reveals about the personality, I just know when I keep my total sugar consumption to 25 grams per day or less, I feel so completely better. The losing weight part is not my goal, it's continuing to feel this good that is. It takes at least 12 months for the body to begin to unwind the insulin resistance cycle, so I don't have a target weight or a goal. My only concerns are limiting carbohydrates in my diet and feeling good while being full/not starving. There are tons of diets out there, and most the of them work for people who like them. The important phase is staying at the lower weight range after all the Facebook bragging about how much was lost is over. ;) I have lost 30 and 35 pounds several times in my life by goal dieting, being a former bodybuilding enthusiast, but gained it all back. So I'm trying no goals except 25 grams of carbs a day.
them carbs are they holly's or Rochester carbs ? lol ,, sorry you know me brainless, i contacted MIT to donate my brain for study, sadly they are suing me for fraud, welp i guess i really am a brainless wonder,,,,, lol
them carbs are they holly's or Rochester carbs ? lol ,, sorry you know me brainless, i contacted MIT to donate my brain for study, sadly they are suing me for fraud, welp i guess i really am a brainless wonder,,,,, lol

Quadajets, man. And anybody who has ever rebuilt one of those KNOWS that's me making a joke. šŸ˜‚ I always did prefer the Holley design. Using a QuickTime on the 429, which is based on the Holley design. Dunno how they got away with that...

I reckon I'll just donate my body to the University of Tennessee so they can put it out there with the rest of 'em they have rotting away in a fenced field to see how it rots. Dunno, I always heard alcohol is a preservative, so they might hafta wait a long, long time...
Going back to my chart on Page 2, I see I have lost the equivalent of a 2-year-old toddler, or two car tires. I'm working toward the weight of a Finnish Spitz dog. šŸ˜„

Lost about 3 inches around the waist. I am now back wearing some of my Hope pants. Not Bob Hope, but the pants hanging in my closet I kept because I hoped I could maybe one day be skinny enough to wear them.

Gratuitous picture of Bob Hope...

bob hope.jpg

Millennials be like: WHO'S BOB HOPE? šŸ˜
An update on my diet journey...

Lost the first bowling ball (16 pounds)!

As stated earlier, I am trying to lose 3 bowling balls (about 50 pounds) and I was using NutriSystems. Well, that did not work entirely well for me. I lost about 14 pounds and then gained back about 11 of them. I looked for an alternative and I think I have found one that can work for me. It is referred to as the "Intermittent Fasting Diet" and focuses not so much on what one eats as it does on when one eats. The diet involves choosing a feasting/fasting regimen where the feasting is some number of consecutive hours and fasting is the rest of the day. I began with an 8/16 feasting/fasting regimen, and it seemed to work for me. I started by eating between 1:00 PM and 9:00 PM but since I have move it to 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Needless to say, during the "feasting" period one cannot emulate Henry VIII and still must eat sensibly. I am consuming the remainder of my NutriSystems goods along with a good number of store-bought substitutes. I should also point out that during the "fasting" period, one may drink any non-caloric beverage. Iced tea and iced coffee work for me. I accidently discovered long ago that I like a 50-50 mix coffee and Diet Coke, also.
I cannot seem to achieve permanent "Finnish Spitz Dog. Four Gallons of Water" status. I get there, but then I gain back a couple pounds. I may have reached the limit of what can be done without either adding exercise or dropping glasses of wine. Still, I'm pretty happy with it.

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