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Senior Member
May 3, 2005
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I'm a little early with telling you all that I hope you have a wonderful day with your friends and family. Lain and I will be leaving later today for Oklahoma for the rest of the week for a country Thanksgiving.No computer access there.

I have the Grigioanny and Blueberry packed to take, most are beer drinkers there and someone always manages to show up with a couple quarts of Moonshine out there in the boonies.

Anyway, I'll be thinking of all of you and wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

Safe trip my friend and hope you and yours have a teriffic one
SAfe trip Ramona. I avoided the trip thing by hosting this year. Suddenly the family got much bigger.
Ramona, I'm sure that you are either on your way or already where you are suppose to be...............


Drive safe and wishing you and yours and all your with the happiest of Thanksgivings.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and let us all remember we have so much to be thankful for!
Very funny Tomy!

It is a Crispy, sunny day here on Txvg morning. Good day for reflecting
on all that makes this year better. In my seventh decade I marvel at
each year getting better than the last. Hope that is true for each of
you too!
Tomy! Quit taking pictures through our window! Do we need a restraining order or something? And, we know you stole that chicken!
Thanksgiving was absolutely wonderful. Loved being out in the country and even having some sleet and snow, blustry and windy weather. Great food and wine. And Waldo......I took a bottle of your plum wine andit was fantastic!!! It tasted like a Gerwrutztraminer to me. I will have to try that one myself.

I went to several antique stores, took lots of pictures and brought back a new friend.

Name is "Nancy". She is spayed, and declawed and fat as can be. She had too many other cats around and she couldn't defend herself, she needed a good home,so now she is all curled up on the couch.



I've been going to Oklahoma for 30 years and have always loved the trees.

Edited by: rgecaprock
Beautiful kitty! I'll bet Nancy's a happy camper all curled up on your couch!
A few more:

One of the neighbors have a couple of emu's, very interesting creatures!!

They have 3 eggs, they must be hard as rocks....the parents step all over them.



Interesting shopping there. I took so many pictures just wanted to post a few.


One more.... I bought this at one of the antiques shops and no one I have asked has guessed what it is. ANYONE HAVE A GUESS? I know

Edited by: rgecaprock