Thanks to all members

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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2010
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I know I have mentioned it before but I just wanted to take a moment and truly say thank you. you members have saved my butt more than once while I was learning this hobby and I am sure I will need you again. I can find all kinds of websites wanting to sell you advice on wine making but I have fond none that offers the kind of expertise that this forum does. I feel that each and every one here has befriended me and guided me through every uncertainty I have ran across and have even caught a few of my mistakes by accident.
This has got to be one of the best forums I have ever had the privilege of being a member of.
Thank you to all and Happy New Year!
Ah Duster what a nice thing to say! It is members like you who really make this sight so friendly. You have a Happy New Year as well.
Duster.ditto everything Julie said. We are also learning everyday and asking questions. There's always new techniques and equipment. We're glad to have you here! Happy New Year to you and your family!
Its posts like that that inspire me to spend at least 4-5 hours almost everyday answering questions that may have been asked 1,000 times before and Ill answer them another 1,000 or more. I feel I have the best team around and that includes everyone, not just my mods. I learned everything I know from me asking or people like you asking questions on this and another forum and am just paying back for what I have learned and Like Dan said I still learn something often here.
I agree.. Have learned much from this site and owe many thanks for all the answers to questions I have received... :pty
Sometimes it's something so simple that you never thought of, you ask and many answer without being rude.

I love this forum.
As wade and all the other mods will attest. The members make our jobs easier as they learn then Teach.

Happy New Year to ALL !!!
I agree. This has to be the friendliest and most helpful forum on the web. I have learned so much in the last year and have become a much better winemaker because of it. I look forward to continuing my journey into 2011with the help and support of all the moderators, members, admins., etc.
This has got to be one of the best forums I have ever had the privilege of being a member of.

I haven't been around all that long but I'm amazed how great folks have been in tackling questions that come pouring in here. It's obvious we all started out as rookies and asked many a question as our winemaking experiences have moved us along. It's nice to see folks share their knowledge in keeping winemaking the great hobby it is.

Now with all seriousness aside, Happy New Year y'all! Drink a bunch of wine, carry on with friends and family tonight and don't remember a damn thing tomorrow. :)
Totally agree!! Thanks to the members and the ones who make this site run like clockwork!!!

Happy New Year to the WMF family!
I will jump in here on the Mutual Backpatters Society thread. I cant thank you all enough for all the help I have recieved. I am glad to be able to pay it forward here on occasion. This is one of the nicest places on the web