Thanks for all the Advice!

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Mar 16, 2011
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Well I bottled my first batch yesterday(started 3/19/11). Everything went pretty darn well through the whole process. Fermentation was really fast, wine is almost prefectly clear, very tasty sweet with about 13.5-14% ABV and very very slightly carbonated. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all thier advice. Ive attached a pic for you all.
Thanks again im sure i will have more questions in the future lol
3 weeks to bottling, thats way to fast!

The carbonation may be its still degassing. You better drink this FAST. Watch for the corks starting to pop out.

What was this magic wine?
So much for patience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This wine wasnt clear yet because there is still gas in it. Glad its good enough for you but it could have been soo much more!!! I know when first starting you want to get it in the bottle but 3 weeks isnt even close, you are bottling before even the cheapest kit says to!! Think a few months min. next time please.
I dunno it stopped fermenting 3 people have tryed it and said it very good and gave bottles to them. Thier is hardly any carbonation left in it. Almost zero. I used super kleer to fine it. It is a hard cider/wine. I guess i could have bulk aged it but it tasted soo good now me and my GF decided to bottle it.
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If you guys have ever tryed any of Dr Loosen's German Riesling it has a carbonation level on par with that. Almost zero. Thats the best way i can discribe it. It isnt fizzy or anything like that no bubbles in it at all I degassed it really good. I will keep an Eye on the bottles though.
OK, when you said very very slightly carbonated we took it as something else. Still think it was way too fast though. I let it sit on the fining agent about 2 weeks alone to let them compact so I get more wine out of the batch.