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The temp strips are fine. Might I recommend an insulated cubby also? Depending on how many carboys will be in cool basement you could knock together one that fits 1-2-3-4 quite easily. Styrofoam top, sides, bottom. A simple frame...a friend made a frame from repurposed wood pallets and installed, forgive my lack of technical terms, with a sliding bolt type hinge/pin mechanism to hold it together... so the frame is easily unassembled and accessible. And the styrofoam was easy to fit.

me? Build? Plywood? :0
I'll just use the belt and tie it up in one of those thin silver thermal blankets you can find in the sporting goods department
Is there any negative effects to the wine if bulk aging in the carboy at 70 degrees? My basement usually stays steady at this temp. Perhaps in the summer it may be lower with the air conditioner going but I have wondered teh same thing since I can't store my wine in cool temps. I have both bulk aging and bottled wine at this temperature.

Looks like noone answered your question. The temperature being at a stable, consistent point is really more important, of course as long as the actual temperature is reasonable. A little lower would be great, but if 70F is the best you can do, don't sweat it. Some can even keep it that low.