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May 23, 2013
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Hi all, I just picked up my 5 crates (36# each) of Syrah grapes from the Suisun valley of CA.

I crushed them through a hand-cranked crusher and sulfited them last night.

at 64F, the SG was 1.120 (!!!) and the pH was vacillating between 4.1 and 4.2. What should I do with this monster? Should I water it down to like 1.095? Will this also fix the pH? Or should I just let'er rip as she is?

If it makes any difference, I don't think the grapes crushed all that completely. there was ZERO mold, and some of the grapes were starting to "raisin".
Thats the best way to check TA. You have to check both TA and pH. You can't just go by pH. Take a look at this manual where it talks about testing TA with a pH meter. You can usually pick up a TA test kit at any local home brew store for like $10.
Thanks, IBG. I don't see an attachment here. Is the article on this site?
I picked up a test kit and it sort of confirmed everything. I ended up adding 3 L of water with Tartaric acid 0.6% solution and then had to add 2 oz. Tartaric acid.

It was my first time using the acid test kit so I am not sure I saw the "change" I was supposed to see. I was expecting something a little more abrupt. Hope I did not over acidify it. Wishing now that I had added less and waited to see what it was like in a little while.