Mosti Mondiale sulphite question

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Dec 27, 2011
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I have a mosti kit for a zinfindel and in step 9 it says when i put my airlock on to fill halfway with water and use the potassium metadisulphite. In the video on the website it doesn't say that. Would I be able to use the sanitizing solution I have kept inasealed bucket and put that in the airlock?Also when bottling in the video it says to use 1/4 tsp of the sulphite to preserve the bottle but doesn't say that in the instructions. Which is correct? Thanks.
Yes, fill the airlock with your sanitizing solution made up normally at 50gms Sulfite powder per gallon of water.

When bottling, most all of us use the Vinator Bottle Rinserto sanitize the bottles with sulfite solution just before hand.
Well in the video i did what it said andI used all but 1/4 tsp of the solution like it said to save it for bottling and using that for the bottle rinser. So if I save it for that I do not have any left. Should I just order more? I don't think I could use what I have saved as my equiptment sanitizer could I? Thank You!
Normally you would use the same sanitizing solution you make up as described above in the bottle rinser, then hang the bottles on a bottle tree to drip as much back out as possible.
Which video sequence are you talking about exactly?
Usually 1/4 tsp is the amount of sulfite powder added to a 6 gallon batch of wine that has been bulk aged for longer than 3 months. You add a 1/4 or 1/8 tsp as a top up dose every 3-4 months of bulk aging.
In the video when you prepare the santizing solution he says to save 1/4 tsp for bottling. In the Mosti instructions it says to add it to the airlock and it didn't say that in the video, but I know he says to really go by the instructions that come with it. In my instructions it doesn't say to use any for bottling.
Need a bit more info. Which exact video sequence?There are many.
You always need to sanitize your bottles just before bottling, even new ones. Again just use the pre-made sanitizing solution you made up beforehand in the Vinator.
Well thats the thing, the part where it says to add the sulphite to the airlock isn't in the video. The part where he says to save some for bottling I understand that is in the sanitizing and cleaning part of the video. So I saved some for the bottling, but thats all I have left I would not have enough for adding it to the airlock so should I just buy more?
Glad you found us, Kixx. Welcome to the forum.
I think I know exactly which video you're talking about. I believe it's the video on bottling. George adds 1/4 tsp of k-meta to the wine just before bottling. That is the 1/4 tsp he tells you to reserve from the batch of k-meta that comes in the equipment pack and is used to make up your first batch of sanitizing solution.
What the Mosti instructions tell you to do is to add the k-meta included in the kit just prior to adding the sorbate in the "stabilization/clearing" phase of the process. They don't suggest adding more k-meta at bottling (the 1/4 tsp that George adds in the video) because they suggest bottling your wine only a couple of weeks after the clearing is complete. I believe the Mosti folks are assuming that you will bottle and drink your wine within a couple of months ofstabilizingit. I'm told that if that is your plan, you really don't need to add that final 1/4 tsp of k-meta. Am I right about that?
I watched all those videos (which are great BTW) but its been a while so was trying to pinpoint exactly which segment it was in. You just filled in the blank I think Tom!
If you used all your sulfite package supplied with the kit then yes, pick up a small amount at your nearest local home brew store. It doesn't go bad as long as you keep the lid on the bottle. If you don't want to make up a whole gallon then make up a quart. The instructions for making up a gallon should be in your enclosed kit instructions. Just scale it down for whatever size your making up. Use this solution to fill your airlock as well as to pour into your Vinator when it comes time to rinse/sanitize the bottles.
Thanks! Yes the videos are good.. thats why I get confused since they sometimes differ from the directions.
Mike, I just went back and reread the Mosti instructions again. I had forgotten that Mosti adds the k-meta at the stabilizing/clearing phase (what they call phase two), but add the sorbate just prior to bottling (what they call phase three). In the video, George says to always add k-meta at the same time as adding the sorbate, otherwise you can end up with a rotten egg smell. That's why he reserves that 1/4 tsp of k-meta -- to add in conjunction with the sorbate at the bottling phase.
Kixx1185, I followed George's instructions in the videos when making my first kit -- a Mosti Vinifera Noble Pinot Noir. I added the k-meta that came with the kit at phase two as indicated in the instructions. Then, I also added the 1/4 tsp of k-meta with the sorbate just prior to bottling as suggested in George's video. I think I ended up with too much sulfite in my wine. I've had to decant that wine for at least an hour before drinking.
Hello Kixx and welcome to the forum! You had asked about the airlock - another option which many of us useis to add vodka to the airlock.It will keep out unwanted beasties and, in the somewhat unlikely eventit is sucked back into the fermenter/carboy, it won't add a lot of sulfite to your wine. I just buy a jug of the cheapest vodka available for this.
so should I add it like the instructions say and not when i'm bottling and follow the instructions say to bottle it?
If you add the full pack of Sulfite now your good to go sulfite wise for up to 3 months bulk aging. If you plan on going longer than 3 months before bottling then you would need to add a top up dose of sulfite before bottling (1/4-1/8 tsp depending on varietal)
This is what I would do.
Add the package that came with the wine. (I would add it all)
Get some more sulfite powder from your local brew store and make up what you need to fill your airlock(s) and fill the Vinator so you can sanitize your bottles, filling wand, tubes etc.
You always need to sanitize your bottles or anything that will touch your wine.

The K-meta you got will be used to sanitize the must first. 1/4 tsp added to 5-6 gallons of must about 24 hours before you pitch the yeast. ( You have done this already)

If you have more than that you should reserve 1/4 to 1/8 tsp for bottling/stabilizing your wine after fermentation is complete. (this is added to the finished wine for preserving it during aging)

You will need 2 oz (or about 3 tbs) of k-meta or sodium meta with 1 gallon of water to make sanitizing solution to sanitize equipment or bottles (after cleaning them of course) I hope this clarifies your confusion. In other words buy either 1 pound of K-Meta or Na-Meta