Sulfa allergy symptoms?

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Junior Member
May 20, 2013
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So yesterday my GF was getting really dizzy all day long and it got to the point that we spent the evening in the ER getting her checked out. They didnt find what was causing it. Today on a whim i asked her if she was allergic to Sulfa and she said she is. The dizziness didnt set in till she had 2 full glasses of Skeeter pee that has Kmeta in it. Can anyone tell me what the symptoms are for a sulfa in wine allergy is? We would just like the piece of mind.
I'm no doctor or medical researcher, but despite the similar names, sulfa and sulphites are two different things. A quick Google shows that sulfa is used in drugs but not foods (and wines).

I am also not a medical doctor, but here is a blurb from "The source of all knowledge" (i.e., Wikipedia):

Allergies to sulfonamide are common,[3] hence medications containing sulfonamides are prescribed carefully. It is important to make a distinction between sulfa drugs and other sulfur-containing drugs and additives, such as sulfates and sulfites, which are chemically unrelated to the sulfonamide group, and do not cause the same hypersensitivity reactions seen in the sulfonamides.
The others are right on. As a medicinal chemist I can tell you that allergies to sulfa drugs have absolutely no relationship to sulfites or SO2 sensitivity. So, unless she actually has the rare allergy to sulfites, I would guess this is just a coincidence.
Chest pains can be sulfa related. At least with my Mother. Seafood is often heavily dosed with sulfa. Twice she ate resteaunt seafood and thought she was having a heat atack. No reason or cause was ever found by the Drs. She is alergeic to sulfa drugs. I suspect there may be some relation between the two, despite them being different classes of sulfa. (She can eat fresh seafood with no probelms, so that was not the cause)
Rashes are common medical sulfa reactions.

If I had two full glasses of wine with no food for breakfast I would also get light headed! Just saying....

Seriously, low levels of protein and iron levels will have lightheaded dizzy effect on people. The wine may have just tipped the scale that little bit. Make sure a bascic blood test is done. ER can be crazy, they can be too bussy to remember everything.

Good luck.

Sent from my iPod touch using Wine Making
We have an appointment tomorrow morning with her regular DR she can still hardly even walk around without getting dizzy. I'm sure he will do all the test needed. I'm no longer suspecting the sulfate.
Not fun. Good luck tommorow.

Sent from my iPod touch using Wine Making
God Luck Hunt !!

Our prayers are off to the both of you !!

Please let us know of the cause