Steam Juicer

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Aug 28, 2007
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Does anyone have a steam juicer they want to sell? I'd like to buy a used, stainless steel one. I read that aluminum can react with some juices.

If I have to buy new - does anyone have advice on what kind or where to buy? I have seen the Back to Basics NutriSteamer and the Mehu Liisa - any preferences?
We have a NorPro Stainless Steel, w/11 quart insert for fruit. We love it!
We got it at a local store that handles everything from hardware to furniture to tack to jeans & sporting goods to farm equipment. But, we're not selling. Edited by: PolishWineP
I have the Mehu Liisa stainless and love it. Ipurchased mine on e-Bay
I bought a stainless steel Back to Basics about 20 years was about $75 at that the now-a-day prices of $90-130 are probably in line.

Mine has plastic handles and the ones broke off the fruit basket a few years after I got it, I can use it without those...I have replaced the hose a few times....other than that it has held up well and it gets LOTS of use....I think most of them have steel handles now.

If it should ever spring a leak or what ever could go wrong, I would buy another one right away....I would buy any brand....

I Googled [steam juicer] and it seems there are a few brands on the market now. If you have access to fruit and would like to make juice for winemaking or breakfast drinking your money and treat yourself.

Check these out...

Here is one on eBay that is not stainless...

Edited by: Northern Winos
Thank you for all the advice. They must be pretty great because I'm having a hard time finding a used one - everyone that has one wants to hold onto it!

I think I am going to treat myself and just buy one.

Thanks again!