WineXpert started first wine kit (Argentine Malbec) - video?

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May 29, 2007
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So my wife Stephany and I excitingly started recently our first wine kit after working on 3 other batches (blackberry, strawberry, Welch's) and we eager to see how this turns out!

In the spirit of our TintoTV show, we filmed our progress to help any other rookies like us out there (and for the veterans to guide us of course

I'll keep everyone up to date on how things are going

Thanks Nico. It's been a while since you posted. I went to your site the other day and watched a couple new videos. Still ding a good job there. Thanks for sharing and caring!

Nico and Steph. Get yourself one of George's Cap Openers for opening the bag. Much easier, although you handled it OK. Also the bag top fits into the box tops so that it is locked in place making pouring much easier. Also wait to open the bag until you have it locked into place and it doesn't wiggle around.Edited by: appleman
Great vid you two. I have this to a freind that is thinking of
doing this. She loved it and went and got her first kit
today. Thanks!!

Are you going to keep the vid's going all the way through the process?
thanks for all the compliments
we enjoy doing the show and wanted to share so that others don't feel so intimidated to start!

yes, there will be film on the other parts (we've actually already filmed some that follows the primary fermentation, the racking, and into secondary fermentation - but I'll delay posting those just to have content to keep updating every couple of weeks).

Thanks again!
Great job Nico & Steph. glad you stepped up to the big kits. I have the RJ Spagnols Arg. Malbec bulk aging and if yours is anything like mine you will be thrilled.

Let me know how the flavors of your kit turn out compared to the tasting notes that you commented on when I had been working on mine. I'm hoping it's really great for you. Not having seen the video yet, did you notice the great berry aroma of the juice?

- Jim
hey Jim, thanks for chiming in here!

I certainly did get a great berry aroma - as this is our first kit, I wasn't sure if this was specific to this juice or just kits in general.

I'll be sure to post up tasting notes as I test!


Sounds great - I look forward to it.

For reference, the Malbec and the Zinfandel kits that I have done have had the most dark fruit/berry smell to them, but I still lean toward the Malbec's "mulberry" impression as the best. Perhaps I'm not impartial, but then, who is. :)

- Jim
Fantastic job. Like the plug for the site in the link in the blog section. I had really wanted to video my tutorial I made for here but had no clue how to post it. That is one area of technology I am "slow" at. Once again, great job and I look forward to seeing more.
I'll have to watch the new video at home this weekend and am looking forward to it. I've watched several video's from your site before and they are very exciting to watch because I can relate to them. I havetwo comments based on reading the notes under the video.

You mention tweaking and individuality; however, you fail to mention it voids the warranty. I tweak many (all?) my kits these days but I do so knowing full well that if it turns out less than desirable I am fully responsible. The only reason I mention this is because if you follow the directions and you have issues the companies tend to have a strong customer support policy (replacement of kit for example).

My other comment is a personal preference. I tend to make many of the first time kits the way the instructions say just so I have a baseline. As I've gotten more experienced I've been able to tweak based on what I know. There are far too many kits and far too funds/time/space to make all the kits. I know many people tweak kits and post their results. I use what I know about kits and manufactures and what I read online to set a road map for which kits to get next and how to potentially tweak them. My brother makes beer and when he tweaks something he knows the results in a very short time. When I tweak kits I still don't have all the data I want from the ~30 kits I've made so far
hey David, thanks for watching the show!

You bring up an excellent point about voiding the warranty; while I'm fully aware of this, I don't think we communicated this in the video (next time). Also, I agree with you about having a baseline and we're going to be very close to the instructions this time around. There are small things that we like doing our way (like the yeast starter) and letting the wine rest a little longer in the carboys before racking/bottling, but other than that, we should be pretty close to the instructions.

And by the way, 30 kits!!!!
I know a lot of people here make a lot, but still... WOW!

Thanks again,
It's going well, thanks for asking!!!

I don't think I remembered to post the next episode here after the wine-kit start.

Malbec's primary fermentation:

We actually already racked a long time ago (a few days after primary fermentation), but that's another episode I'll post soon. We've actually left it for now just sitting in the glass carboy, nice and topped off. We actually still need to proceed with the degassing, clarifying, sulphiting stage.

Nice video you guys made. Its nice to see these types of videos on the web becuase when I first started it was very hard to find any type of how to video on wine making that was actually decent. Ill have to check out the rest of your site later tonight.
If you dont mind me asking what did you shoot the video with (camcorder, digital camera etc...)? If you edited it what did you edit it with?

Another great video! Each episode is better than the last! Congratulations on your first bottling! Is your carboy filled with something else yet? Time's a wastin'!
Nico, I have watched them all. I saw you had posted #24 and watched it just a couple days ago.

Another Great job.It was good to see somereal nice botteling equipment in use too!