skip initial rehydration

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Senior Member
Jun 11, 2006
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i never do but this time in making one of those 3 gallon batches from canned fruit i did. i just sprinkled like the instructions said.--i chose ec1122---the next morning there were a zillion little brownish speck that looked like dead yeast floating. i mixed well and waited another day---same thing- i aerated for 2 hours and re pitched with rehydrated ec1118. i have a few more 1122 packets in the back. ill check the date.
1118 is cooking well as usual.

yes i'm confused
Scotty, I use a lot of the 1122 and find it doesn't show much activity for a couple days and then never really shows a lot, but the fermentation works very well. I have never had it fail.
it was my first attempt away from 1118. finally i want to be a bit more selective with yeast. i guess ill try an 1122 again but ill do a starter bottle to help me get used to it.
thanks AM :)