Skeeter Pee!!!!

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Senior Member
Dec 22, 2011
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So I have two 5 gallon carboys just sitting in my room empty. I decided maybe I can make Skeeter Pee. First off, can I use my carboy as a primary fermenting vessel? Secondly, I found a recipe for a 5 gallon Skeeter Pee:

For a 5 gallon batch

3 bottles of 32 oz 100% lemon juice (e.g ReaLemon in the green plastic bottles or equivalent)

7 lbs sugar (or 16 cups) to ferment

3/4 tsp tannin

6 tsp. yeast nutrient (3 now, 3 later)

2 tsp. yeast energizer (1 now, 1 later)

Approx, 4 1/2 gallons water

Yeast Slurry

Potassium metabisulfite (Kmeta)

Potassium sorbate (sorbate)


2 1/3 lbs sugar (or 6 cups) to sweeten finished Skeeter Pee. Use more or less for your tastes.

Does this look right? What is yeast slurry? Is that a type of yeast? What Kind of yeast should I buy? I want to make it right now so any answers will be very helpful. Here is the link of the website I found it on.

Thanks guys
Does this look right? What is yeast slurry? Is that a type of yeast? What Kind of yeast should I buy? I want to make it right now so any answers will be very helpful. Here is the link of the website I found it on.

Thanks guys[/QUOTE]

If you got it off Lon's site then it is right for 5 gal US I believe.

A yeast slurry is the stuff left behind when you transfer your wine from the primary to the secondary

i would not use your carboy as the primary, first if can foam up depending on the yeast used and second, it requires allot of stirring and the bucket is easier for this.

There is a whole section dedicated to skeeter pee on the main page under wine making. You will find lots of good reading there

good luck
I just made my first skeeter pee batch as of 6pm eastern time. With a starting sg of 1.072. Any other comments, tips, or advice would be greatly appreciated. I did have one question. According to the recipe it calls for Sparkolliod. My brewing store didnt have it in stock. The only thing I have is Super-Kleer K.C. which contains both kieselsol and chitosan. Would this work instead of Sparkolliod???? I hope is does cause thats all I have to work with:h
The skeeter pee section of the forum is great. I have a thread going on in there now about my first batch of pee. I am about 10 days ahead of you in the process. Mine is in the primary now. Will check the SG again tonight & see about maybe getting into the carboy. I had a couple glitches with mine so far. I thought I followed the recipe but ended up with 6g instead of 5g. Had to add 4cups of sugar to get the SG up to 1.070. The ferment went fine. I used a yeast slurry from a sav Blanc kit to get it going. I taste tested yesterday just to get an idea of how it was coming along and was a bit discouraged. We will see how it turns out after it finishes and it gets back sweetened. Keep us posted, would be good to hear how your first batch comes out!
Lastly, according to a video I saw they placed a cloth over the carboy with an elastic band over the neck. So I did the same but now I am looking more into it, I see people who have a double bubble air lock over it?? Does it matter? I am thinking about using the airlock when I apply the yeast on saturday...
I think a cloth would be fine. I just barely snapped my lid on. This is only because the directions said to stir the must a couple times per day and the lid is kinda hard to keep taking off since it snaps so tight. I put my airlock on it once the must was really bubbling and it hasn't had any problems fermenting.

I did make another post to my thread in the skeeter pee section. I added the third bottle of juice I think later than I should and I may have messed it up. The taste is really strong on acid and my SG is really low. Will have to wait and see what happens.
I think a cloth would be fine. I just barely snapped my lid on. This is only because the directions said to stir the must a couple times per day and the lid is kinda hard to keep taking off since it snaps so tight. I put my airlock on it once the must was really bubbling and it hasn't had any problems fermenting.

I did make another post to my thread in the skeeter pee section. I added the third bottle of juice I think later than I should and I may have messed it up. The taste is really strong on acid and my SG is really low. Will have to wait and see what happens.

so cloth is fine during the fermentation? or air lock at some point?
I am not a pro so I would look through the forum or get a second opinion but I think a cloth is fine for the first few days. I like the airlock since I can watch the bubbles and is an indicator of how it is going during the ferment. Plus I like the idea that nothing can get in and the CO2 can form the protective gas layer over the must. Again...not a pro. Just my 2 cents!
I am not a pro so I would look through the forum or get a second opinion but I think a cloth is fine for the first few days. I like the airlock since I can watch the bubbles and is an indicator of how it is going during the ferment. Plus I like the idea that nothing can get in and the CO2 can form the protective gas layer over the must. Again...not a pro. Just my 2 cents!

yeah I have the cloth now but when comes saturday when I put the yeast in I will use an air lock. Better be safe than sorry
If I read right, you are going to try to do primary fermentation in your carboy? If you try that, I don't think an airlock would be a good idea. You will likely get a lot of foaming and blow the airlock off once you get a good ferment going. I would go with the cloth if that is your last resort. Be prepared as you will likely have to clean the mess up on a regular basis for the first few days and keep the cloth changed! You will have a hard time whipping oxygen into it in the carboy as well and I worry that you will have trouble keeping it going. A primary fermenting vessel will be an essential investment for very few dollars.
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If I read right, you are going to try to do primary fermentation in your carboy? If you try that, I don't think an airlock would be a good idea. You will likely get a lot of foaming and blow the airlock off once you get a good ferment going. I would go with the cloth if that is your last resort. Be prepared as you will likely have to clean the mess up on a regular basis for the first few days and keep the cloth changed! You will have a hard time whipping oxygen into it in the carboy as well and I worry that you will have trouble keeping it going. A primary fermenting vessel will be an essential investment for very few dollars.

Only reason why I did it in my carboy because their is a video out there with a guy taking the same recipe and made it in a carboy. I have a bucket made for a primary but Im waiting for a wine kit in the mail to use that.
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Only reason why I did it in my carboy because their is a video out there with a guy taking the same recipe and made it in a carboy. I have a bucket made for a primary but Im waiting for a wine kit in the mail to use that.

turst me, use the bucket. if you never had wine come blowing out your airlock, its not pretty. it will only be in there for a week or so and your wine can wait.

if 7 days makes a difference to your wine consumption, you should be on the AA forum, lol just kidding
Use your primary bucket to start it in. Just keep a towel on top to keep unwanted things out. I lay a tea towel on, then just lay the lid on top. My wife has a new kitten so gotta keephim from swimming. Anyway, you will want to stir and whip the skeeter pee for the first few days to keep oxygen in it. Awful hard to do in a carboy. You can make it with your yeast for now, when you get your kit ready to go into the carboy, you can make another batch with the slurry from that. Leave it in the primary til it is down to 1.020 or 1.000 or so. THen you can transfer to secondary. It will be there for a while, so if you are starting that kit right away, you might want another carboy. Seems like sparkaloid seems to clear the skeeter pee rather well. I have not used the two part clearing agent on it, but would imagine it would work ok. Anyway, start it up in the primary, add the extras at about the specific gravity when they are called for and have fun. If you don't hit the exact s.g. with the extras, don't sweat it. It will still work and taste good. Good luck with it, any more questions, just ask. Arne.
Use your primary bucket to start it in. Just keep a towel on top to keep unwanted things out. I lay a tea towel on, then just lay the lid on top. My wife has a new kitten so gotta keephim from swimming. Anyway, you will want to stir and whip the skeeter pee for the first few days to keep oxygen in it. Awful hard to do in a carboy. You can make it with your yeast for now, when you get your kit ready to go into the carboy, you can make another batch with the slurry from that. Leave it in the primary til it is down to 1.020 or 1.000 or so. THen you can transfer to secondary. It will be there for a while, so if you are starting that kit right away, you might want another carboy. Seems like sparkaloid seems to clear the skeeter pee rather well. I have not used the two part clearing agent on it, but would imagine it would work ok. Anyway, start it up in the primary, add the extras at about the specific gravity when they are called for and have fun. If you don't hit the exact s.g. with the extras, don't sweat it. It will still work and taste good. Good luck with it, any more questions, just ask. Arne.

Ok so just to clarify. As of right now I have all the ingredients except the yeast slurry in my carboy. It is ok for me to transfer all the juice from carboy to primary bucket. Then come saturday add the yeast slurry into the primary bucket. You recommend a towel over the bucket rather sealing the lid and put an airlock on it?
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