Sizing down our recipes

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Jan 6, 2011
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If I want to size down a 6 gallon recipe from our "Recipes" section into a 1 gallon batch, how do I handle the yeast? I assume for the rest of the ingredients, such as fruit, sugar, acid, and kmeta, I would do 1/6th of the recipe. But what about yeast nutrient, yeast, and also pectic enzyme?
I just used the entire yeast packet for my 1 gallon batches. The nutrient and pectic should tell you per gallon on the instructions.

But i think they are as follows:

Pectic powder is 3/4 tsp.
Pectic liquid is 1/8 tsp.
Yeast Nutrient is 1 tsp.
I just use the whole pack also but I must say that making 1 gallon is almost exactly the same amount of work and when the wine is great and you only have 5 bottles your going to be pissed!
I just use the whole pack also but I must say that making 1 gallon is almost exactly the same amount of work and when the wine is great and you only have 5 bottles your going to be pissed!

I have to agree with you wade. IMO - it is almost a waste of time and effort to do a 1 gallon batch.

Having done a few and a few 6 gallons - not much difference time and effort wise.

Takes just as long to setup the racking setup, the filter setup, etc. To be honest it actually takes longer to set this stuff up than it does to rack 1 gallon.
You can use half a pak of yeast if you like but you need to keep the packet sealed tight and refer it. Pectic enzymes is 3-4 drops per gallon. Nutrient can be 1 teaspoon (half before yeast and half half way thru.
If u are going to make a couple 1 gal batches then use 1 packet and make a yeast starter n split with ur batches could do about 3 1gal batches. Personally 1 gal bathes r a waste. 3 gal batch min for me
I agree with Wade, there really is no reason to make a gallon batch, you will be sad, and it is a lot harder to do, being off by a bit on something really reflects in the flavor.

If you must though, scale everything down except the yeast, you can still use a full package of yeast just fine.
I always use all the nutrient up front. The energizer is what I add in stages and usually add 1/3rd up front, another 3rd around 1.060 and the last 3rd around 1.030. Doing it this way Ive never had a stuck fermentation with the exception of the W.E. Chocolate Raspberry Port kit.
I guess I have to disagree with some. There are many reasons to make one gallon batches - lack of equipment, lack of space, uncertainty of what you might end up with and difficulty getting the amount of fruit (or whatever) to make the wine. If you are picking your own blackberries, for instance, 5-6 lbs may be manageable and available, 30-40 lbs may not be. If you are buying it, cost is a factor.
The large batches are fine for most but it's not for everyone.
Thank you for all the feedback. The main reason I'm contemplating a 1 gallon batch is because I don't want 5-6 gallons of jalapeño wine. I think 4-5 bottles should suffice.
Thank you for all the feedback. The main reason I'm contemplating a 1 gallon batch is because I don't want 5-6 gallons of jalapeño wine. I think 4-5 bottles should suffice.

Once you have it you'll wish you had more than 5 bottles. I made a 2 gallon batch and I am getting ready to start a 3-4 gallon batch here soon.
Thank you for all the feedback. The main reason I'm contemplating a 1 gallon batch is because I don't want 5-6 gallons of jalapeño wine. I think 4-5 bottles should suffice.

The only single gallon batch I made was jalapeno. I bottled in 375 ml bottles. Worked out good.