Should I Rack Now?

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Sep 20, 2011
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Hi everyone! Im just getting into winemaking and am on my first batch. I am using a Wine-Art kit from Wine Kitz (Shiraz)
My Starting SG on the wine was 1.090 Instructions said should be 1.080 (but i am using a 19L carboy instead of a 23L so the must is a little more concentrated(must is however in a large plastic primary). The instrcutions stated that I should allow the wine 14 days to ferment. However over the last 3 days i've noticed that all visual signs of fermenting are gone (no foaming, no bubbling sound) I did an SG test this afternoon and it is currently sitting at 0.991(Kit suggests that it should be less than 0.995). (My hydro only goes to 0.990) Is it safe to assume fermentation is complete? Should i just leave is for the rest of the week (the full 14 days) or is it going to be better to advance to the next stage earlier (Stabilizing and Clearning) Any input will be appreciated! (All fermenting etc was done in a room that is pretty stable at 20 degrees Celcius.)
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The number of days is only there as a reference. What is important is that a stage is finished before moving on to the next.

Visual signs don't mean much; SG readings mean a lot.

If the SG has been at that very same reading for three days in a row, it is finished fermenting; you can move on. Just never skip a step.
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this may also sound really newbish, but should a sample drawn from the batch for SG testing be returned to the batch after testing?
Yes it can, as long as everything that the wine touched was sanitized first (wine thief, graduated cyllinder, hydrometer......or what ever else you were using)
I have a question.. not to Hijack the thread, but the hydrometer i got in my kit didn't come with it's own tube for testing. Do i just stick the hydrometer into the entire batch, whether it be in the fermenter or the carboy ?
yes, drop it right into the fermenter, if you want to use it in your carboy attach a thread to it and lower it down in
yes, drop it right into the fermenter, if you want to use it in your carboy attach a thread to it and lower it down in

Thanks, and i just took a reading on my first batch and its rite at 1.082.. before adding any yeast.. is that right for a sweet table wine, ( welch's ) ? and when should i lay the yeast ?
rstar26 - I'm not familiar with the winekitz kits, so don't know if they have grapeskins. If your kit does, I would leave it for the 14 days to maximize extraction from them; just make sure it is under a tight lid and airlock. Also, if you haven't racked yet, I would add some more water to your fermenter so that when you do rack to your carboy, you will have enough and perhaps some extra to keep for topping up ( you can keep it in a bottle under airlock).
rstar26 - I'm not familiar with the winekitz kits, so don't know if they have grapeskins. If your kit does, I would leave it for the 14 days to maximize extraction from them; just make sure it is under a tight lid and airlock. Also, if you haven't racked yet, I would add some more water to your fermenter so that when you do rack to your carboy, you will have enough and perhaps some extra to keep for topping up ( you can keep it in a bottle under airlock).

Thanks Dugger!

The kit does not contain grapeskins, so i proceeded with racking today. I will only have to add about a half litre of water to the carboy tomorrow to top up into neck! But next batch i make I will make extra for topping up!