RJS red trio kit

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I agree with Heather. Also, I no longer use the clearing agents. Ever since I started filtering, my wines seem a lot cleaner and taste better. The whites (especially RJS Cru International Gewurtztraminer) seem a lot crisper.

The kit manufacturers want you to have a good experience. The result is that you will buy another kit. So, they include in the kit everything to make this happen, even if it is not absolutely needed.
Can anyone give me a tip on skipping sorbate? Last kit I ran it dry in primary (14 day on skin as per kit instructions. I don’t like adding stuff that is not necessary. This wine will stay in carboy for 8 month+.
I never use sorbate.
Agreed, I skip the sorbate unless backsweetening. The new practice of combining sulfite and sorbate in one package is irritating. I used to save the sorbate packages for other uses, but now I'm tossing 'em.