red wine lees as slurry in skeeter pee

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Senior Member
Jul 19, 2009
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Has anyone tried using lees from a red wine (I have some Malbec going) as a slurry for starting Skeeter Pee? Most of what I've seen on this list, it looks like people are using lees from some country wine. I'm trying to visualize what a bit of Malbec flavor would do to the lemon flavor. My imagination is falling a bit short tonight.
Well no I havent used red wine lees but I did take some lees from a citrus wine and start a fruit salad wine. The citrus never matured to my liking but the fruit salad is popular.
What fruits were in the fruit salad wine?

I made an orchard wine last year, with apples, raspberries, blueberries, elderberries, and pears. It is still sitting, but will be racked one more time soon....
That was just cans from the pantry. Peaches,pears and fruit salad. I didn't see preservatives inthem so thru the food processor they went.I cant spot that log but I recall a few bananas and 1 gallon of budget grade apple juice and 9#s sugar.It was an end of season thing after 2 racks I didnt mess with it till 6 months passed and it was ready to finish when I did.
I did it before using lees from an elderberry cabernet. Other than making the pee a darker than normal color, I think the lemon juice and sugar ended up taking over. It wasn't tannic or anything. Of course this will depend on how good of a racker you are.Go for it. It's just pee!