Cellar Craft Recommend a White

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spreadsheet wrangler
Dec 5, 2012
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White Wine Recommendations

In partial response to the current "Red Wine Recommendations" thread (which has given me some good ideas!), I thought I should post a similar one for whites, and for the same reason. I almost never drink whites unless someone else brings them to a party or they're free at a tasting or whatever. I don't have much against them, just prefer reds. I'd like to have a good batch of one on hand though, in case of guests or seafood. Any suggestions for a particular kit?
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Travis, this may be a little controversial, but I have had very good results from two of the Cellar Craft Premium line; specifically the Sauvignon Blanc and the Chardonnay/Semillon. They are a 16 liter kit and are priced about $50 less than the Cellar Craft Showcase line. I hasten to point out that I think the Cellar Craft Showcase line is excellent, but for these two whites, I think they are a great value.
Rocky, nice find. I made both the WE LE Sav. Blanc/Semillon and CC LR Sav. Blanc/Chardonnay/Semillon and I like both of them a lot. I am thinking of buying both the kits you mention and blending.
I really don't have any suggestions since the whites I have made so far are either mist kits or Limited editions.
How did your CC LR Sauv Blanc/Sem/Chard turnout? I just pitched the yeast today on mine. Sorta forget it was in the back of the winery all Summer so I am trying to get caught up on Kits I have had around the house for the last 6 mo or so.

Still trying to figure out what to top off that guy with. I decided to add ~1/2 of the F-pack into the Primary.
How did your CC LR Sauv Blanc/Sem/Chard turnout? I just pitched the yeast today on mine. Sorta forget it was in the back of the winery all Summer so I am trying to get caught up on Kits I have had around the house for the last 6 mo or so.

Still trying to figure out what to top off that guy with. I decided to add ~1/2 of the F-pack into the Primary.
Hi Mike. At 3 months the Sav. Blanc. is dominating with that steely grassiness that I like. The apple from the chardonnay is slight while the semillon is adding a nice mouthfeel at this point. When I put it into the rotation at one year, I am sure the honey note of the semillon as well as more presence from the chardonnay will be there. I topped off with my We le Sav blanc/semillon and a commercial unoaked chardonnay. This should have been pretty close.
I personally love Rieslings.
Tom, I just purchased the Eclipse Riesling during the Cyber monday sale. I can't wait to see how this turns out. What riesling kits have you made that you like?
The only white I have made so far is the RJS Cru Select RQ Hang Ten Muscat Symphony Sauvignon Blanc Chardonnay which is quite nice at 6 months. It is a restricted quantity kit any may be hard to find now. It came in #96 in the top 100 Winemaker mag listing of kits.

I just brought in off the front porch a CC Showcase Yakima Valley Pinot Gris which I got in the FVW 12 days of Christmas sale. It came in #8 in the WM listing but it will be 6 months or more before I know how I like it.
The favourite white wine in our family is the Ken Ridge Showcase German Gewurztraminer. (FYI, we add the Suss Reserve pack to the primary and make it as a dry G'wine.) But there's lots of other good whites outthere.

Tom, I just purchased the Eclipse Riesling during the Cyber monday sale. I can't wait to see how this turns out. What riesling kits have you made that you like?

I've never made wine from kits, but I've used the Alexander's concentrates. I made the Johannisburg Riesling a few years ago, and just bottled a regular Riesling. I think I made this one a little too strong at 12% ABV, because the alcohol flavor kind of overpowers the flavor of the Riesling grapes. Next one I make will be about 10-11%.