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Mar 1, 2011
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  1. Hey. I'm getting ready to start a Vinifera kit wine ( gewurztraminer ) and I'd like to beef it up with rasins. I realize they should be white and if I get them bulk what do I have to do before I use them?
Can I ask what you mean by "beef it up with raisins?"
I find that if you use the grape packs with less costly kits it adds a good deal more body
I know there are a lot on here who use raisins in the wine, I am not one who does and neither will I criticize anyone for using them, that is their preference. I just feel that if you are using raisins from a store you are adding thompson seedless grapes to your wine. Again, just how I think. Have you thought about using finishing tannins? I would think it would give you a better give you a better finishing than the raisins.
what do you recommend as to the amount? 23ltr batch

Tannin's are all different. You will have to do bench trials to find out what is best for your wine. I will give you a hint though. Add your tannin amount to about 2-3 ounces of very hot water. DO NOT stir it yet. Let it sit for about ten minutes then stir. This prevents it from clogging up. Now you can stir it into your batch.
I am going to play around with FT Blanc Soft tannins as a finishing tannin which means I need to add it towards the end and about 3 weeks prior to bottling. If you choose to go this route, please post your thoughts and what wine you added tannins to.
I have added the Golden raisins to white kits in the primary. I will add them to the secondary the next time. I always oak my whites (the few that I make). I prefer a Chardonnay. I have also thrown in any left-over frozen apple cider without ill effects.