Racking tips from experts?

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Jan 17, 2016
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Mixed my Winexpert kit stuff (Cab Suavignon) up on Sunday afternoon.

The instructions say to do step 2 in 5-7 days. So, I'm thinking that will be this Sunday too.

Apart from the usual sterilization etc, anybody have any tips for me before I try racking for my first time?

The usual: sanitize, sanitize, sanitize, and then make sure everything is sanitized. Which you already mentioned. Also use a hydrometer to make sure that your SG is actually where it is supposed to be. Other than that, gravity is your friend- make sure the one you're filling is below the one you're racking from. For the first racking, I like to take the cap off the bottom of my auto siphon to get as much liquid as possible. Once you're about half way through, carefully try slightly tipping the primary fermenter to pool as much of the wine as possible- you're less likely to disturb the lees now than when the level gets lower. It's ok to get some of the lees at this point, since you won't get that much unless you actually try.

Once in secondary, it's ok to have a little head space because it will still be producing CO2, but optimally you'll want to fill that- try to use a bottle of similar wine (cab) instead of water to avoid diluting your final product.

Think that's all...
Oh yeah. Milk crates work wonders so you don't have to awkwardly lift 6 gallons of red wine in a fragile, bulky glass carboy.
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Thanks. I picked up a carboy handle this afternoon at my local brewing supply store.

Re the hydrometer use, are you saying that I take the top off the primary fermenter to get the reading? If it's not where it is supposed to be, won't I have needlessly exposed it to oxygen and all the nasty stuff that can happen when that happens?
Hate to sound like such a neophyte but, do I just pop the top of the PF and draw some out to do a hydrometer test? Again, doesn't that risk contamination?

no worries -
Just sanitize the hydrometer and the cylinder or just drop it straight in the primary if you can.
Taking the lid off for a few minutes to check the SG will not hurt anything. You are going to have to take the lid off to rack the wine anyway. The biggest mistake most new wine makers make is leaving too much wine in the primary. People are so afraid of getting some of the sediment (lees) sucked up into the racking cane that they stop racking too soon. This leave too much wine behind in the primary which in turn causes you to end up with too much headspace in the carboy. Get as much of the wine as you can and don't worry if a little bit of the lees end up in the carboy. It has already settled out once in the primary it will settle out again in the carboy. This rule changes when you have added the fining agent and cleared the wine in the carboy. At that point you want to take pains not to transfer any of the lees even if you have to sacrifice a little wine.
Thanks. I picked up a carboy handle this afternoon at my local brewing supply store.

I was surprised nobody mentioned this. Don't pick up a full carboy with just that carboy handler. They aren't intended for that. One hand under the carboy. There are horror stories of the neck breaking off and there goes all 6 gallons.

Oh and long term, if you decide you like making wine, consider a vacuum pump, like the all-in-one. No need to be lifting heavy things.
Thanks, CMason. The brew shop where I bought it was quick to point out that one has to support the carboy from the bottom so to stave off disaster.

I was looking at those all in ones, but the triple digit price tag will hold me at bay for quite a while yet.