Racking Question

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Senior Member
Oct 26, 2010
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I want to rack my wines one more time before I bottle. But, I don't want to top them up with anything after I rack because I like them how they are now. If I rack them, and then in a week bottle them. I wont get too much oxygen in there from having too much air space for that week will I? Also, from your experience, will the wine be settled 6 or 7 days after racked? Settled as in as clear as it was before I racked it.

Thanks everyone
First off, how much air space are we talking about after this racking. A few inches? I would say you're going to be fine.
If you wine is clear now it should remain that way as long as you do not disturb any of the sediment.
If its NOT clear I would not bottle. When you said will it be clearer in 7 days means you need more time. How old is it (when did you start and what is it) etc.. more info..
It's fairly clear now. I wont be doing the racking for another 2 months I'm just planning ahead. I've already racked it once and there is just a thin layer of mud on the bottom. I'm topped up to about 2 inches under the bung right now. So after racking I'm guessing I'd be down a couple more inches right.

I started this in October. I will probably bottle in March. So about 6 months. I've got 35 gallons going and this is my first year. I plan to have 80-100 gallons going next harvest. I will be able to bulk age some of it then. I really want to bulk age a dry norton.