Proper care of a press

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Feb 27, 2011
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I got the base of the press replaced, the original base had a crack that ran across it. Does the new base need to be coated with something? I'm thinking like a varnish or something to keep the juice from soaking in?
Also, how to clean/sterilize it? Rinse with water and spray it with StarSan?

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Iodophor makes a better sanitizing solution for presses and its no rinse. Don't think you want to varnish the wood or any portion that will come into contact with the wine. Just rinse well afterwards and dry it down with a towel. Nice crusher!
I read that Iodophor can stain things an orangish color. Also, StarSan is no-rinse.
Is there some coating to use to prevent the juices from soaking into the wood, or leave it untreated and just rinse?
you need to do a search for food grade varish there are products out there for this type of use
Iodophor is basically the same color as the wood on that press. Starsan is made from phosphoric acid. Both are good sanitizers.

Here is a link to a product called EZ-DO which is a food grade polyurethane. Not cheap for sure!

I read that Iodophor can stain things an orangish color. Also, StarSan is no-rinse.
Is there some coating to use to prevent the juices from soaking into the wood, or leave it untreated and just rinse?
I have let mine sit in one step for about 15 min.after using and it pulls most of the color out from red fruit but some remains even after rinsing. Then I let dry unassembled. Before I use it the nest time I give it a misting of sanitizer and wipe excess off. Don't know if this is the best but it's what I do. Not sure if the leftover stain hurts anything, some would say it adds character. Maybe some more knowledgeable person will chime in and enlighten us.