Primary question

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Aug 27, 2011
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So my ruby cab has been in the primary for 3 days now 18 gallons and i added 3 packs of rc-212 yeast with yeast nutrients.

on wendsday night when i added the yeast the SG was 1.106

last night the reading was 1.054

tonight it was at 1.018
so im wondering should i transfer into the carboys tomorrow? or at what SG should I?

I was under the impression that the primany should take a week at least this is the second batch of wine i have made my first batch was chardonnay and in 5 days it was at .990 so why is it fermenting so fast?
There are a number of factors that can affect the speed of fermentation (temperature, strength of the yeast, strain of yeast, etc.) and there is no set time for primary fermentation. It is what the hydrometer says it is. From the numbers that you have posted here, you are going to have a final product with an ABV around 14% or more. Is this what you expected? I have never made a ruby cabernet. Is this typical?

I would transfer it to the carboys tomorrow. It should be somewhere between 1.000 and 1.010 and you will need to get it under air lock. Also, if you ferment the wine to dry, you will likely have a final SG in the 0.990-0.995 range.
This is only the second batch of wine i have made. But the farmer that farms the grapes, is told by the grape brokers on when to pick. I just take the juice from the semi so i guess thats where the ruby cab ABV is. I just thought it was wierd that both wines i have made have fermented so fast.
Did you add anything to that or are those grapes just the sweet to begin with?
If that's too high for you liking you might want to blend it with something else to cut down the rocket fuel.

I was going to get some Old Vine Zin grapes this week but was told they were to sweet and I'd have what you are experiencing.
I did not add anything to the grapes i live in the central valley of CA where the avg temp is around 90-100*F most Raisins come from here and im guessing thats why the grapes are so high in sugar. The wine grapes that they grow here are just bulk wine. But i have the opportunity to get all the grapes i want so ive decided to give it a shot. I was planning on blending the ruby cab with regular cab that they will be picking the end of october. Ill let you know.