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I modified it a little. Here are the amounts and ingredients I actually used. I have 6 gallons of it now.

2 liters of organic italian lemon juice from Costco "Italian Volcano
8 pounds Wymans frozen wild blueberries from Costco
5 gal water
11.25 pounds sugar (SG 1.087)
2.5 tsp penctinase and 1g k-meta added

EC1118 pitched a day later.

I have sweetened it to about 3% residual sugar.
Please don't laugh at this! But constructive criticism and advice is much appreciated! This is my first stab at a DB label and was thinking of doing these a clear label on clear bottles or... If the white background is too harsh doing a beige "typical wine background" any suggestions?? Hopefully I can post the photo directly from my phone. image-133198817.jpg I found it hard to center the word blood as it's shorter... If this doesn't work I'll try again. Was trying to avoid having to post to photobucket
It looks to me like the DB could come to the right a bit... Don't know been playing with angles and positions for awhile! Eyes are playing tricks! And no it can't be the wine lol
I think the label looks great just the way it is. Good Job! Clear labels are tough to use since the color of the bottle or wine will play havoc with the colors'
Runningwolf said:
I think the label looks great just the way it is. Good Job! Clear labels are tough to use since the color of the bottle or wine will play havoc with the colors'
Thanks so much Runningwolf! I obviously was going to add a few things here is my latest :) Ok edit with final



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You could always increase the kearning on the blood - spread out the characters a little bit to balance it. I think just a touch should do it so that it doesn't look that much different from the spacing on dragon.
We drank almost all of my Skeeter Pee already. I supplied my brother's bachelor party and we polished off all but one beer bottle. I bottled them in beer bottles so I could let it carbonate and then pasteurize them. At 15% ABV it was a BIG hit.

Ok I think I've somewhat improved it by expanding the font on the Abv line and the blood line

View attachment 10934
Great label Chestnut and great advice from others. As already stated, you've got a few design challenges that you're doing a pretty good job of dealing with. The first thing I noticed was the angle of the dragon and blood are not even when compared to the DB. It might look more symmetrical if that were more of a pyramid. Something different to try might be moving the dragons up and the "Dragon" and "Blood" below the dragon images; it might make it a bit more cohesive, and kind of name each of the dragons (if that sounds like a good idea to you of course). The smaller text could be combined to one line and create a foundation for the everything above. Just a thought. Have fun!
Noontime said:
Great label Chestnut and great advice from others. As already stated, you've got a few design challenges that you're doing a pretty good job of dealing with. The first thing I noticed was the angle of the dragon and blood are not even when compared to the DB. It might look more symmetrical if that were more of a pyramid. Something different to try might be moving the dragons up and the "Dragon" and "Blood" below the dragon images; it might make it a bit more cohesive, and kind of name each of the dragons (if that sounds like a good idea to you of course). The smaller text could be combined to one line and create a foundation for the everything above. Just a thought. Have fun!

Thanks everyone for the advice! Noontime are you suggesting that I put the words Dragon Blood flat under each dragon? Like the left one has dragon under it and the right one has blood? As far as the pyramid are you saying I should increase the angle of the dragon blood words and lower them so they line the center of the outside of the dragons? Your suggestions sound great however I'm a bit confused lol! I'm a visual person but I think with a bit more explanation I could figure it out!!
Ya and I'm no graphic designer by a long shot! Lmao I just thought I'd take a stab at doing my own I like to save money!
Paradoxnightmare said:
Here it is in action. Mosquito Mojito.
I love your label too! It looks Paleolithic kind of!! Actually what font is that? That was more the font I was looking for for mine! Kind of the dungeons and dragons feel!
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Ok what do you all think of this modification? In the end I am think of printing either clear on clear bottles or a natural beige raw paper style label but still on clear bottles. image-2513953402.jpg I thought I had posted the correct one but the dragon word wasn't centered but it was so nevermind the 2nd photo!


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Ok what do you all think of this modification?

Push the Dragon Blood together and center on bottle IMHO
