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UNDER EDIT: Turned out it actually IS a Webb pic, they now tell me. Stunning.
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Yep, that one while "only" 43,000 acres is only 5 miles from the Los Alamos townsite and the outer perimeters of the lab. We are now at the "SET" phase for evacuation meaning we are supposed to have our bags packed and ready to leave at a moments notice.

Someone at GMA didn't do their homework. @ibglowin I saw yesterday where the newest fire is near Los Alamos labs, stay alert and safe.
NM Magazine has a long running monthly feature titled "One of our Fifty is Missing" with monthly humorous stories about what we experience living here on pretty much a daily basis........


One evening, Santa Fe resident Loretta Martinez was watching Wheel of Fortune when a contestant won a trip to Arizona. As the winner celebrated her prize, the announcer told the audience about the upcoming itinerary, which would include a visit to Santa Fe. Martinez wondered if the City Different had changed states without telling her.

I remember when my wife lived there, they polled people elsewhere in the U.S., "Is New Mexico a part of the United States?" And a majority answered NO. 🤣
NM Magazine has a long running monthly feature titled "One of our Fifty is Missing" with monthly humorous stories about what we experience living here on pretty much a daily basis........

View attachment 88139

One evening, Santa Fe resident Loretta Martinez was watching Wheel of Fortune when a contestant won a trip to Arizona. As the winner celebrated her prize, the announcer told the audience about the upcoming itinerary, which would include a visit to Santa Fe. Martinez wondered if the City Different had changed states without telling her.

Yeah, I recall that people there actually sort of PRIDED THEMSELVES on the fact that other U.S. citizens had no idea it was a state! 🤣 I'm going, "Geez, our educational system!" and they're going, "Good, maybe we need to start a passport system." 🤣
Getting ready to shoot the eclipse Sun. night and doing some test shots last night in preparation. Planning a composite of all the phases from rise to setting in the mountains in a 180 degree pano between about 7:30 to 4:00 am. Hoping for clear skies Sunday, here's the moon last night.
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Nice shot. You must have a really good phone. 😄
Yeah, I recall that people there actually sort of PRIDED THEMSELVES on the fact that other U.S. citizens had no idea it was a state! 🤣 I'm going, "Geez, our educational system!" and they're going, "Good, maybe we need to start a passport system." 🤣

We in Canada are used to that. So many Americans think we live in igloos. I remember when I was a kid I talked to people up here on holiday from the US and they were shocked we had regular homes and hot weather. One family I met had to go out and buy all new clothes cause they only brought winter stuff and it was 100 deg here. Really makes us wonder about your education system also. I think its slightly better now than when I was a kid but I found traveling around and talking to Americans they are still surprised we have hot weather here. And have no idea where most of our large cities are.