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Just had lunch with a friend who returned last week from Jamaica with a small gift for me. He is an expenses-paid volunteer with U.S. AID's Farmer-to-Farmer Exchange Program, and that was his second time to Jamaica in a month. He sure has traveled around over the years. His next stop will be Guatemala (second time there). I have a curio cabinet full of stuff he has brought me back! :D But the stories are the best part.

Varis, he has been to Haiti twice, but now he is angling for a D-R posting, since I told him how you extolled the virtues of the country! He was much impressed with the Presidente billboard, since he and I share that same affinity.


That's how Uncle Louie, Uncle Joe and Grandpa DiIulio used to make it back in the day. When he got back from the Army, Uncle Joe found the rubber boots they wore had cracked and leaked, so he took a baseball bat, put a bunch of spikes into it, added a crank, made a frame and built his own crusher/stemmer. They used that then.

Grandpa toasting with his wine, from a video made off Super 8 movies...

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