Popping wine corks - where did I go wrong?

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BernardSmith---I agree with you on that book. But most people aren't making those kinds of "special" wines. Many people here are brand,spanking new winemakers who have little if any understanding of all the chemistry that takes place. They need to understand THAT----and that to make a 1 month wine is a whole OTHER Magilla!!!! And meads are somewhat different anyway than fruit wines--correct? And reading that kind of book when you're brand new at winemaking will only confuse you to the max!

I just love these lengthy discussions. I think we all learn something everytime one of these threads takes off and many people contribute.
Hahaha. Ok. I debottled and checked the SG... It sat at 1.060! What was strange though is despite it tasting strong of alcohol, my alcohol meter read less than 0... Is that even possible? I must note that I used both fresh pineapple juice and inert sugar to sweeten it.

On the upside, it tastes like heaven.