Paint mixer for crusher?

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Senior Member
Sep 14, 2012
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Would a paint mixer like this on a drill work to crush grapes in small batches, say 3 gallons at a time. My main concern would be if it bust the seeds.

Paint mixer.jpg
used one on pears but it broke. might work on grape and other soft fruit
Looks like it would pulverize anything in its way including seeds which would not be a good thing unless you want to wait 5 years for the tannins to soften down to something that won't pucker your tongue. You can crush grapes with a potato masher. The yeast just need a slight tear/opening in the skin to get inside and do their thing.
I've used this kind before but found it didn't really chop up or crush fruit. The fruit got clogged. It did a great job of stirring, but not crushing. Yours may work a better with that design. I don't think it would be sharp enough or spin fast enough to pulverize break the seeds, so I would think that would not be a concern. Please try it and let us know. It should break the skins for you.

I am going to try on this years muscadine crop. I only have about 5 gallons but it just about broke my wrist trying to use a potato masher.
I am going to try on this years muscadine crop. I only have about 5 gallons but it just about broke my wrist trying to use a potato masher.

A rubbermaid tote and some clean feet work really well on small amounts of grapes.
This will have to wait until next year, I went to pick my muscadine Saturday and there were none this year. I guess with the dry weather they all fell off as seedlings.
I was wondering if someone was actually going to go there.

I had my wife stomp my LaCrescent grapes last year in a rubbermaid tote. Worked really well and the wine turned out really nice!:b