Oops d I use to much kmeta

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Jun 6, 2012
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I just racked my 6 gallons of apfelwein and I got confused and I think I put to much kmeta. I used just under 3/4 teaspoon . I think that may be double . Is it ruined please help
I just racked my 6 gallons of apfelwein and I got confused and I think I put to much kmeta. I used just under 3/4 teaspoon . I think that may be double . Is it ruined please help

Not ruined! That is still below the max allowed.

¼ tsp SO2 per 5 gallons (US) = 50 ppm, 3/4 tsp = ~150 ppm for 5 gallons, but you have 6 gallons, so its ~125 ppm. You added too much, but not that much. Much of that will immediately become bound SO2.

Do you have a method for testing free SO2? You should test, as the amount you need also depends heavily on the pH of the wine.

Check how many ppm your wines should have.
Test for current free SO2. If it is too high, splash rack the wine once and check it again. If it is barely high, I wouldn't worry about it.
I agree with Robie.

It is too much added - but that is not bad. If you don't have a way to measure SO2 - then I wouldn't not add anymore k-meta for at least 6-8 months..

Give a couple splash racks and you will be fine..
Thanks I was going to bottle this weekend so I was just getting ready I'll get some strips tomorrow and test it what should it be at
Thanks I was going to bottle this weekend so I was just getting ready I'll get some strips tomorrow and test it what should it be at

If you can't get an accurate reading with the strips, just splash rack once, taste it afterward and make sure the sulfites are not too strong smelling/tasting. If so, splash rack only once more. The level of sulfite will calm down some while in the bottle, so just because you taste it a little doesn't mean it is too much. This is why it is best to measure the actual level.
robie is right. Splash it! As it turns out, I've been adding way too much k-meta to my wines for a while (about twice what you've added)---it was a clerical error. But guess what! Everybody loves my wines!

Just wait 'til they taste my next batch---with the correct amount added. :)
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Make sure you taste test it before bottling!!!! Once its bottles its hard to get rid of excess S02! It would be a good idea to even have another person taste it also.
Hey guy I bought a kit of titrets and tested it and it said 18 ppm is that possible with what I put in there? Tastes fine