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Dec 31, 2008
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ok.. so I posted a topic about degassing... I couldn't get my wine to degass... well the temp was 63.. so I needed to warm it up... so today.. i put it in the bath tub.. got it to be around 73 and all the sudden.. the airlock started bubbling again?? could it be I had a stuck fermetation and warming it up started it again... ?? is it safe to degass or sould I let it sit a while and see if the sg starts lowering again..?? i have already transfered to a clean carboy..
I would say that it is just giving up it's gas like it is supposed to. That's why Wade said to warm it up. What is the SG of it right now and has it been there for a few days. If it has, just go ahead and degas.
ok cool... yes it has been at the same sg... i let it sit for 15 days.. just to make sure.. I will go ahead and degass...
What is the SG and what was it when you started and what yeast did you us. Its probably just gas but lets evaluate this situation first.
Dont do this!
MMMMMMmmmmmmm!! Floor licking good !!...... This is why you put your carboy in a clean pan.
This is why I use an electric vacuum pump among many other reasons!
LOL !! Wade,
I resemble that ! At least it (degassing) wasn't done over a rug.
I think ALL of us have been there
Soguitar309what is your current gravity?
ok so current sg is .994 or right around there... I warmed it up to 75 and degased I sat for about 30 min. letting the drill spin for a few seconds and then lettting the wine settle down.. I did see some degassing going on.. but no where near like in the video or a valcano.. lol.. I could see some bubbles going up the side and a small ring of bubbles on the top.. I also used the vacu vin.. got a few more bubbles... seemed to be larger.. I have been working on it for an hour.. going back and degassing again.. I still seem to keep haveing a few bubbles... but will it get to a point where I have no bubbles what so ever?? do you think its degased enough
Yep. Looks like your wine is doing fine. Continue to follow your kit directions.
wade said:
Dont do this!

Ha! I once forgot to add my Kmet to my apple wine after I had already filled up carboy. Thought it would be fine just to add it dry and crushed. THAT was a volcono! I had to pick it up and run it outside! Thank god it was in the bacement and not in my kitchen!
All gasses are inversly soluble with respect to temp. What that means is the warmer a liquid is the less gas it will hold. When you warmed the carboy up some of the gas came out. You will still need to degas because mid 70's will still hold enough CO2 to make the wine taste fizzy.
wade said:
Dont do this!

Everytime I see this I crack up. I really do appreciate Wade posting this though, because he has undoubtedly saved my kitchen floor.
Imust be a slow learner. I say to myself, now be careful cause you made a big mess once, remember. I know, I know, careful oooohhhh to late.

If you notice the 1 gallon jug on the left side, that was supposed to be enough wine pulled out so this wouldnt happen. I havent had this problem in a long time do to vacuum racking.
Isn't it great when you have someone that will quickly admit that they made a mistake so that you will not make the same mistake.

I personally would have never made such a mistake.

P.S. At least not more than a couple dozen times.