Old Fruit Press?

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Oct 18, 2011
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I picked up this old press today. Was just wanting to know if anyone has seen one like this before or maybe could tell me about how old it is. I plan on refinishing it, maybe sandblasting and having a buddy of mine powder coat it.

Really neat piece. Never say anything like that but sandblasting and powder coating is a great idea. Not sure of the dimensions of the basket, but I would try to find a bucket that would fit around it (after cutting the bottom out of the bucket). That would cut down considerably on the splatter. Also, I would be careful not to powder coat the screw. I would get it to bare metal and keep it covered with some type of food friendly oil when not in use.

As far as the age is concerned, I would think it could be anywhere from the late 1920's onward.
Actaually a friend of mine had 1 just like it and did exactly what you are saying and it came out incredible. I would get a fermenting bag that fits in the badket when pressing as the spaces are a little big and the bag helps to hold it in and makes for easier cleanup afterwards.
It really is a neat piece. I took it apart and started cleaning it a little today. The only thing I've seen that may tell me who made it is B36 on the top of all three legs and I guess the brand running down each leg. I can only make out the first two letters though B and A. Also the basket doesn't have a bottom, it's open on both ends.
I use nylon window sceening on the inside to keep the grape skins in and also shrink wrap on the outside like joe mentioned in addition to rice hulls.
I believe that one is 2 layers of metal for thd basket. The inside is is solid with holes in ig and the outside is metal staves.
I only have one basket with this one. It looks like it's probably aluminum, open on both ends with holes all over. Its about 9.5 inches across and a little over 10 inches tall.