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Mahoney, from what you are describing you are tasting mostly the CO2 in
the wine, its much to young yet to taste good and with all that gas its
going to taste just like you describec - just like fizzy water. Since
you fermented to dryness you are not going to have the syrup, others
have told you how to add that one. Be patient, after it clears then you
can decide which direction to take it. And dont be in such a rush to
think you messed up and dump it down the drain, give it a little time
and start another batch while you are waiting for this one to clear up,
an another and another, by the time you get finished racking and
clearing the others your raspberry will be ready to taste :):)

Thanks for everyone's help! You are all Greatly appreciated!
Ata boy wade keep in there picthing

have you checked the pear any more I have a month to go on mine
and I think I will take your advice and put some nector in it
The pear is almost gone already. Im currently out of Black Currant
except for three bottles which I am hording until late next year for a
competion( two) and one for tasteing right before I enter to make sure
nothing went wrong. Pretty much like every wine I have made. I will
have quite an entry I hope. As for the Pear it tastes great and my wife
and I are consuming it on a daily basis but I will save 3 of these
also. As for the nector, I had to strain it and strain it, and strain
it about 8 times because it has a lot of pulp in it so you will either
have to let it clear naturally for a long time or use a good clarifier
like SuperKleer like I did. What a shame because it was so clear
naturally before I added the nector. Maybe if you could find a pear
concentate frozen or not might be better. Good Luck.
wadewade said:
The pear is almost gone already. Im currently out of Black Currant except for three bottles which I am hording until late next year for a competion( two) and one for tasteing right before I enter to make sure nothing went wrong. Pretty much like every wine I have made. I will have quite an entry I hope. As for the Pear it tastes great and my wife and I are consuming it on a daily basis but I will save 3 of these also. As for the nector, I had to strain it and strain it, and strain it about 8 times because it has a lot of pulp in it so you will either have to let it clear naturally for a long time or use a good clarifier like SuperKleer like I did. What a shame because it was so clear naturally before I added the nector. Maybe if you could find a pear concentate frozen or not might be better. Good Luck.

It must be good!! I thought you were going to let it age 1 yr.?

I have one in the primary that they call Irish Wiskey
It calls for 2# grain 2# rasins and a gallon of used Potatoe
My question is it calls for 3# sugar 1/2 in pint of boiling water for
the primary witch brought the sg to1050 and then put the other
in 1 gal jug with a airlock in 10 days what is my abv. going to be
and should I add sugar to bring it up?
Thanks for the advice
Oh Bill, your way over my head with this recipe. I think you need a
rocket scientist for this one. Masta, where are you? But any way, that
sounds like a VERY INTERESTING RECIPE. Sorry I cant help with this one.
Bill, can you post the whole recipe for the Irish Whiskey? it's something that I would HAVE to try!!!!

According to my batch calculator it says adding 1.5 lb of sugar to a gallon of must with a SG of 1.050 will bring the SG to 1.120 and potential %ABV of 16.25. So depending on what yeast you used should determine if it will ferment to dryness.
masta said:
According to my batch calculator it says adding 1.5 lb of sugar to a gallon of must with a SG of 1.050 will bring the SG to 1.120 and potential %ABV of 16.25. So depending on what yeast you used should determine if it will ferment to dryness.
Thanks Masta I added it today and I got a sg of 1060
Thanks again Bill
linda0210 said:
Bill, can you post the whole recipe for the Irish Whiskey? it's something that I would HAVE to try!!!!

Hi Linda
here goes
Irsh Whisky (Book: successful wine making by H. E. Bravery)

2# wheat
1# raisins
1# potatoes
2 lemons
4 oranges
1 0z yeast
3# sugar
9 pts water

Put the wheat, raisins,lemon juice, cut oranges and don't take any of thewhite then cut the peel away from the white ( I used a grater, worked good).put in a bag and Put all in the primary

Scrub and grate and boil the potatoes in 5 pints of water for not more than10 minutes, taking all scum that rises, Boiling gentley for a little longerif scum still rises at the end of 10 minutes until no scum rises.
taking off every bit of it. Strain this hot liquid over the primary mix and
throw the patotes away. ( I made hash browns out of mine) It didn't call for it but I put1 campdan tablet and let it sit for 24 hr.

then boil 1/2 sugar in 2 pints of water for 2 minutes and add to primary
allow to cooland add yeast and let ferment for 10 days.
After 10 days strain and wring out bag and put strained liqur into a gallon jug. Boil the other 1/2 sugar in 2 pints of waterand when cool add to secondary and fit air lock and leave until all frementation has ceased
it didn't call for it butI used a capdan tablet and a yeast nutrient

Maybe Masta has a better solution to this
Good luck Bill