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Cracked Cork

Senior Member
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
I have noticed that Oakmor hasnt been mentioned in this forum, does anyone use it or are most of you winemakers out there using chips, cubes or staves instead? I have been tossing it into the primary in the bag with our fruit wines and then adding it to the secondary fermentor to give a little oak taste. I have been pusing it up to the high end of the recommended levels and havent overoaked anything yet and it does seem to add a nice tough to our fruit wines like elderberry, blackberry, black currant and even strawberry.

Cracked COrk
I haven't see that product...what is it like????

Being as I'm here in the Oaking section of this Forum I want to ask...

When does everyone put the oak [chips, etc]into their wines.....
Bulk aging
Do you add it more than once...like primary and secondary...
CC can you give more information on this Oakmor...I'm guessing it is an oak flavoring, but I have never heard of it... It does sound interesting...Thanks.
Thats it, Not an expert on oaking but we have been playing aroud with it in our fruit wines. Couldnt be easier than tossing some in the primary and some in the secondary, it sinks to the bottom so racking off of its not a problem. Next going to see if our gooseberry would like a little untoasted oakmor - hard to find information on that one.

Cracked COrk