Other Oak spiral taste

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Apr 14, 2014
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Hi. I wanted some advice. I have an Amarone kit in bulk aging and added just one half of an oak spiral one week ago. It is french oak spiral. I tasted it after just one week, and it tastes very oaky to me, almost too much. I have heard to leave them in 3-6 weeks and some people even use 2 oak spirals. This is the first time I have used oak spirals and wonder how it works. Could it be tasting very oaky since the spiral is right at the top and I took my tasting sample from the top of course. Will it dissipate after a while. Should I stir it a bit to get the oak flavor throughout the wine. Just not sure where to go from here and hope for some advice. Thanks.

Oak Spiral Taste...


I used one Oak Spiral in my last 6 gallon batch, left it in for 6 weeks.

I tied a SS Table Knife to it so that it would sink.

I tied it with a fishing line and used the Air Lock to hold it in the middle of the Carboy.

Worked great.
As heatherd said, it will fade over time. I added one spiral to a batch of Wineexpert merlot, left it in for about 4 weeks and upon tasting it was all oak, thought I may have ruined it. Has been bulk aging for about 5 weeks now and is definitely better. Plan to bulk age for 6 months before bottling.
Hi. I wanted some advice. I have an Amarone kit in bulk aging and added just one half of an oak spiral one week ago. It is french oak spiral. I tasted it after just one week, and it tastes very oaky to me, almost too much. I have heard to leave them in 3-6 weeks and some people even use 2 oak spirals. This is the first time I have used oak spirals and wonder how it works. Could it be tasting very oaky since the spiral is right at the top and I took my tasting sample from the top of course. Will it dissipate after a while. Should I stir it a bit to get the oak flavor throughout the wine. Just not sure where to go from here and hope for some advice. Thanks.


Yes, if the spiral is at the top, most of the oakey flavor will be right at the top with it. Don't worry about stirring it in, it will all mix together next time you rack. Oak flavor will fade with time, and one half of a spiral will not over oak 6 gallons of wine, regardless of how long you leave it in there.
I would leave your spiral in to maximize the favors you get. I agree you will not over oak with 1 spiral for 6 gallons - not to my taste anyways! I thought I had read some of the vanillins in the oak were actually deeper in the wood so you might not get these if you do not leave it in at least 4-6 weeks.
Can anyone confirm or deny this for me?