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Nov 7, 2010
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Hello all,

I thought I would introduce myself. My wife and I have been making wine with friends for years and just recently bought our own equipment and started out own kit. Before we have made several kits, all from Wine Kitz and with help, such as a cab sav, amarone, Australian chardonnay (which we double oak), and a chocolate port.. We just started a old vine zinefandel from California as our first kit done by us.

My wife and I are both grad students, and I have been in the Canadian military for 11 years. We travel as much as we can to wineries (there are not any from where we are, Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada). My favourite grapes are a Chilean Carmenere and a Spanish Garnache.

I have been reading on this site for quite a while and I am very impressed at the passion and experience displayed here.

Hope to chat with you all soon,

-Dan MacKenzie
Welcome. Ask away we have other members for Canada. I bet CPfan will chime in soon.
Welcome to the site, Dan. Sounds like you are already well grounded in this hobby - ain't it great! I have a nephew there in Saskatoon doing some post graduate work - he also does some part time work for the military, I believe ( computer stuff).
I like your preference for the Chilean Carminere - I have a Carminere/CabSauv that is now 3 years old and is really good ( only about 4 bottles left!).
We look forward to your contributions to a great forum.
Welcome! You are correct in saying that these people are passionate! They are all very knowledgable and very willing to help! Just ask away if you have any questions someone is always around to answer.. Also we look forward to your input..
Hi Dan,

Welcome to winemakingtalk. Glad you found your way here.
Welcome fellow Canuck.

I originally hail from south of Moose Jaw and did a stint in Toon Town to attend school. There is a fairly local winery in the Cypress Hills South of Maple Creek. They have been open for a few years and have quite a nice place in the works. They make a nice bunch of fruit wine as well as a grape wine. They had some bad weather this year but when I was out there last he was hoping to use all his own grapes for a batch this year.

If you get a chance to try some he makes a great rhubarb and pretty fair sour cherry in my mind. They do daily tastings in the summer, and serve a "snack style" menu.

Just some info in case you didn't know, as it is pretty new.
