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Jun 7, 2005
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Last week I ordered 3 new 6gal carboys from George. Which now brings me up to eight 6gal andfour four 5gal. so this week I needed some juice to fill them. This week I placed and order with George and tomorrow I willbe getting4 new kits. The kits are the AJ Montepulciano, AJ Sangiovese, NV Pinot Grigio, and the NV Sauvignon Blanc. Has anyone made the Montepulciano? I've never had this varietal and know nothing about it. So if you could tell me if you have made it and what you thought about it. When was it ready to drink? Would you make this kit again? Thanks for your help.

I have made the MM AJ Montepulciano and I was impressed with the nice fruitiness of this wine. The commercial Montepulciano wines that I have tried varied in character based on where the juice was from - Cali Montepluciano tends to be more fruit-forward and Italian exhibits a little bit more terroir. The wine tends to be a light-to-medium body, easy drinking pleasant wine that presents red fruit flavors. My own tasting notes show the following: "The smell was absolutely fantastic - beautiful red fruit mixed with the subtle oak notes of the barrel. I have high hopes for the development of this wine, considering the limitations of juice wine."

The longer I go making wine, the longer I hold my wines before I drink them, so I'm rather biased in terms of 'drinkable' time. While I have several other kits that are still in line to be made, it is quite likely that I will make this wine again and am excited to see how it develops with some more time.I started the kit in October of 2008 and it will be bottled this month and it had spent 2 months in a medium toast, French oak barrel. I would intendon opening the first bottle in the middle of 2010.

I hope that helps,

Thanks Jim. That a lot of very good information. I'm really looking forward to starting it now. I have no issues with letitng a wine age so I'll give it 2 years before I open the first bottle. I always bulk age 6-8 months. Have up to a year before. I just got 12 cases of wine bottles yesterday for $50 off of CraigsList. It will be very easy to bulk age for a year (it will take me that long to clean them).

I understand that - my life is cleaning bottles. :) Perhaps the Zen of winemaking is cleaning bottles.

Age the wine as you need to - with 30 bottles, it's easy to try one at 12 months or so and see how it's coming along. I've just been noticing continued improvements in the wine I've made and have no problem letting things age. This will also affect my guidelines for contest submittal as well.

I post tasting notes in the records of each wine on my cellar web page (link below) for any kits that I have made, so feel free to check there for information as well.

- Jim
Thanks. I have a AJ Barolo, AJ Red Zinfandel, and a AJ Amarone bulk aging too. Maybe someday I'll have a collection like you guys.