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Hey Tony,
Something I wish I had done sooner, which I'm currently rectifying, is making a plain mead out of really wonderful honey. By plain I mean: find a honey that when you taste it raw is exactly what you like (different strokes, as they say). I like one that tastes like buttered toast with honey as a base.

Then mix up a batch, using all of your wine knowledge of nutrients, etc. then split it up a bit. Leave a gal plain, put oak in another gal, and two different oaks in a third. Or something to that order. Then you have a bit to play with and see what it really will taste like.

I'm enjoying the search for 'the best honey I can find - from home'. I need stuff I can get locally for most of my meads. Sourcing (and tasting) is one of the best parts of the whole process IMHO!
I got a really good supplier in Oregon, but they are a bit expensive... So I am going to go scouting for more honey.. I found this place willing to do me 240$ for 5 gallons of honey.

One of the best comercial meads I have had thus far, and its a session mead, is from nector creak.

If you are at the store and you want to buy a mead, I would advice seing what the selection offers and see which of the selection has won at the Mazers Cup International. That is my best way of choosing commercial mead.

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