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Oct 18, 2011
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I started my first batch ever today. Thought I'd cut my teeth on a kit so I started with a blueberry pinot kit. I added about 3lbs of sugar at the start. Any input as to what I should expect would be appreciated. I'm thinking my next try will be a 1gal batch of mead.
Welcome aboard!!!

I don't have much advice on kits - I do fresh fruits and grapes.

I would however suggest that you do at least a 3 gallon batch instead of the 1 gallon.

Just as much work and effort put in to make a 1 gallon as it is to make a 3 or 5 gallon.
Welcome aboard. I think adding the 3 lbs was a good idea on this kit. Did you take a sg reading before fermentation per the kit instructions? What was the reading?
I did take a reading and it was 1.060. It took a little while to get going but the airlock is bubbling good this morning.
So I guess I didn't do my homework as well as I thought. I did take an SF reading before adding the yeast. I didn't realize that the temp would effect the reading. When I measured it the must was maybe 90-100 degrees F because I had just poured the water in that I had dissolved the sugar. Any ideas on what the corrected reading would be? I didn't measure it after I let it cool.
From my recent experience with we kits, I would advise mixing the kit to the appropriate sg.(andbe very conservitive with the water add. Making sure not to over thin the wine. Then add sugar as you feel you need - if u do need. As you can read in my previous posts, I have had trouble with these kits being too thin. Instead of making a 6 gallon batch they only make a 5

Just finished racking to secondary. The instruction said let it get to 1.010 before going to secondary and when I checked it this morning it was 1.000. Does that sound about right even with the added sugar?
That sounds fine. Unless one stands over the wine with the hydrometer in place, as fast as some wines ferment, it is hard to catch it just right. Adding the sugar should not change any of the kit instructions. Just follow them completely. The difference in temperature for the SG test won't make any significant difference in the outcome.

When the time comes, make sure you degas it well and at a temperature of at least 74F. Much lower and the CO2 just won't all come out.