My first year

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Confused Rookie
Aug 10, 2012
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A friend got me started making wine 1 year ago and got me started with
1- 5 gallon carboy
1- Bucket
and all of the basics to start my first batch of wine a White Zin from a concentrate.

So a year later I am on my 17th batch of wine I have made every thing from:

Welch concentrate
Many different flavors of frozen concentrates
Dragon Blood ( 3 batches) Thanks Dave

To fresh pressed juice from:

Grapes from my neighbors vines
Pears from a friends tree
Apricot from another neighbor
Peachs from a Orchard

I have bottled 40 gallons ( but only have 29 bottles in the rack ) so far and have 28 gallons in differant stages of bulk aging ,68 gallons in a year !!!

I now have:
5 - 5 gl carboys
2 - 3 gl
10- 1 gl
4 - 1/2 gl

and 5 fermenting buckets...

Made my own wine rack and a press from plans and have a Allinonewinepump ( thanks Steve )

I have yet to do wine from a kit but may try one soon,what a great rewarding hobbie, thanks to all on this forum it's a wealth of knowledge...

Now that I have a idea about wine making it's time to get serious !!!
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Try a kit. Get it from one of our sponsors, Brew and Wine, you can Google it. I'd recommend an WE Eclipse Old Vine Zinfandel. It's a great red. My first batch of that had a friend calling me and offering to pay $200 per bottle. I know he'd never pay that, but it made for a great compliment. I'm now getting friends to pay for the kit, I'll process it, and we split the number of bottles produced. It's a great win-win proposition.

Good luck and keep us posted. The instructions for the kit are easy to follow.