Thanks - I think it's going to be great. It's clearing right now but it's going to take a long while I can see. The initial clearing is only about a third of the way done. I can see the cloudy yellowish wine taking up the lower 2/3 of the carboy and slowly dropping to the bottom, and above it is a nice golden carmel color. I've tasted it and it tastes great, maybe just a bit more body than the kit I did and it's fresher tasting. I think it's going to be a dandy. Still not sure if I'm going to add anything for an f-pac or not. If I do anything at all I might just add just a hint of some peach and/or Apricot extract to it. It finished out at 1.057 but the acid is just a tad bit high at 1.25 - it should be around 1.1.
My regular Riesling batch that I started right along side of it has finished and cleared already and it's already bottled. My only regret was I didn't know how to check the acid until recent days and now I'm discovering the acid is low. It's only .40 and tastes a little flat - oh well. Although not the ideal time to do it, I might have to add a bit of tartaric acid to each bottle as I open them.