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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2005
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I have a dilemma. I am getting ready to move at the end of the month. I have a kit that will be in its last week of clearing. It is a BK VR Pinot Grigio. I am concerned about this.

I am moving really close to where I live now (half mile if even that) but I was wondering what is gonna happen by the vibration and movement. Will it mess up the clearing process or will it settle down after a day or so?

I did the first racking a couple days ago and it says to wait 10 day the check the SG and when stable for 2 consecutive days then rack again and ad the stabilizers. That is going to put me in the last few days of "clearing" I don't know what to do about this. Any suggestions or am I up the proverbial creek with out a paddle?

Do not rack again before degassing and adding stabilizers or your wine might not clear properly......check your instructions closely! The fining agent needs the solids to attract the fines and cause them to drop out.

Moving the carboy to a new location will most certainly disturb the lees but don't worry it will settle out again on its own. Relax and give it some more time and wait till it is clear before you guess would be at least two weeks after moving it.
So I should just wait until I move before I rack again? According to the directions, I should rack in 7-8 days from now and add stabilizer and fining agents then go for 14 more days.

According to this schedule, I will be in my last few days of fining when I move. If I can just leave it fermenting as is until I move then degass and add agents, I will go that route.

You certainly can leave it in secondary and wait till you move then degass and add final final chemicals and fining agent.

Not sure what instructions you have for this kit but if it is a Winexpert VR Pinot Grigio you should not be racking your wine again until after settling and wine clears and you are ready to bottle it.

Quote form directions:

1. Do NOT rack the wine before stabilizing and clearing.
Winexpert kits require the sediment to be stirred back into
suspension. Racking the wine off the sediment prior to fining
will permanently prevent clearing. Please be sure to stir all of
the sediment up from the bottom.
2. Vigorous stirring is required during this stage. Without
vigorous stirring, gas in the wine will prevent clearing.
At each stirring, whip the wine until it stops foaming. Drill mounted
stirring devices (see your retailer) can save labor.
masta said:
1. Do NOT rack the wine before stabilizing and clearing.
Winexpert kits require the sediment to be stirred back into
suspension. Racking the wine off the sediment prior to fining
will permanently prevent clearing. Please be sure to stir all of
the sediment up from the bottom.

I understand the importance of following directions. However, I have to tell you that I inadvertently disregarded these directions in my last batch of wine and got surprisingly good results (despite my ignorance). My Bourgeron Blanc had a full inch of sediment when it was time to stabilize. My last batch I got 3 dirty bottles at the end because of the high amount of sediment. So I racked to my bucket and back to my carboy to get rid of some of the sediment. I read the directions after I finished stirring. TOO LATE! But, after two weeks, it cleared nicely, had a small amount of sediment, and I bottled 30 750s of the clearest wine you ever saw (very good young wine BTW).

Oh sure, I could have racked the wine after I stabilized and waited for it to settle out, but that would have added extra carboy time. I guess my impatience is showing again.
masta said:
You certainly can leave it in secondary and wait till you move then degass and add final final chemicals and fining agent.

Not sure what instructions you have for this kit but if it is a Winexpert VR Pinot Grigio you should not be racking your wine again until after settling and wine clears and you are ready to bottle it.

Quote form directions:

1. Do NOT rack the wine before stabilizing and clearing.
Winexpert kits require the sediment to be stirred back into
suspension. Racking the wine off the sediment prior to fining
will permanently prevent clearing. Please be sure to stir all of
the sediment up from the bottom.
2. Vigorous stirring is required during this stage. Without
vigorous stirring, gas in the wine will prevent clearing.
At each stirring, whip the wine until it stops foaming. Drill mounted
stirring devices (see your retailer) can save labor.
Masta, you are exactly correct and that is a step I had misunderstood, thanks for pointing it out because I would of racked it again and added the fining agents.

This is my first kit and I have the confusion factor going on here as well as the stress of the upcoming move. I know someday soon I too will be an "expert" and will be able to share my knowledge as well as this hobby fascinates me.

If it is good to let is sit in the secondary for a couple weeks longer than usual before adding the fining agents, I am set then. I will just let it sit until after I have made the move and it has settled again and go from there.

As Hollowoakwine pointed out sometimes you can deviate from the written instructions and not have any problems but my intention was to make sure you were successful with your first batch.

Good luck with the move and keep us updated on the wine!
masta said:
As Hollowoakwine pointed out sometimes you can deviate from the written instructions and not have any problems but my intention was to make sure you were successful with your first batch.

Good luck with the move and keep us updated on the wine!

Thanks Masta and I appreciate it and hey, if I can leave it sit with no harm till I can get to it, then more power to me and way less stress LOL, Thanks for all the help

This is why I utilize these forums, to get quick knowledgeable answers. I to am an expert in a few forums but those are relates to Emergency Services and Jeeps
Someday, I am gonna be an expert here as the training here is excellent!

I just met Tim Vandergrift, who did a presentation on the Crushendo Kits at a retailer's conference and learned a whole lot. (Guess what next month's featured article is about?) Anyway, he made sure that all of the retailers knew the first step in any kit is "RTI" - Read the instructions. On this subject, please note that instructions for these kits do change and some kits have different instructions.
Thanks George, Yes, I have been following the directions to the "T". That is why I was so stressed. From what everyone has said though,once I rack to secondary it is not mandatory that after the 8 days as the directions state to degass and add the stabilizers and fining agents the wait 14 more days.

But now you have me apprehensive, confused and stressing again LOL Anyway, I guess if I loose my first batch I loose it and will live and learn from it. Thanks for the info update.

Sorry, I did not mean to stress you out. Just remember 2 things:

1. These kits are really quite foolproof! I have made over 120 batches and made mistakes and everyone has turned out well. Some better than others.

2. The Fine Vine Wines guarantee! I guarantee your success. If you are not happy with the first kit, I will replace it with another. As they said in Apollo 13, "failure is not an option".

All that being said, I think you will be surprised at the quality of your first batch. I was!
and now I have a business selling the stuff. I must believe in it!
Well, just a quick update to this post.

I moved my carboy yesterday. The wine was crystal clear prior to moving. I carefully carried it to the back of my wife's Xterra and made the short (really slow)drive to our new house.

I didn't disturb the lees hardly at all. I did see a "little" haze at the bottom but overall, it was still crystal clear when I set it on the counter in the new house. Today, it is crystal clear to the bottom again.

So it looks like all is good and my stress was for nothing. Thanks to everyone for their comments and suggestions.

Congratulations on the successful move. Can't wait to hear about the finished product.